Retropie setup menu/Runcommand crashing in ES on Ubuntu
@rom11617 said in Retropie setup menu/Runcommand crashing in ES on Ubuntu:
@mitu I'm not sure how to further clarify the stock terminal app from ubuntu, sorry.
It's most likely
if you have a standard Ubuntu desktop installation, which comes with Gnome. Is this a standard Ubuntu Desktop installation ? Is it a new installation or upgrade to an existing one ?The log doesn't show any error, though it's strange that's taking 20 sec to just go back to EmulationStation from - unsuccesfully - trying to launch the setup script.
@mitu Brand new install. I copied over some of the files from my 18.04 build of emulationstation so I wouldn't have to scrape all new media and stuff like that, I wonder if there is some config file somewhere creating conflict.
What would be the least dramatic way to reinstall everything retropie wize? I can always make backups of my gamelists to keep the image and video files and drop them back in where they go...
Would I just delete the /opt/retropie folder as well as the etc/emulationstation folder?
@rom11617 said in Retropie setup menu/Runcommand crashing in ES on Ubuntu:
I wonder if there is some config file somewhere creating conflict.
No, not for this part.
What would be the least dramatic way to reinstall everything retropie wize? I can always make backups of my gamelists to keep the image and video files and drop them back in where they go...
As a possible workaround, try using an Xorg session, instead of Wayland, just to see if you encounter the same issue. I'll try to reproduce the error, but it will take a bit of time until I do so.
@mitu You assume I'm way more knowledgeable in Linux that I actually
I'll try a google search to try and figure out what you're asking me to do. ha ha. Thank you for your help. -
Same behavior unfortunately. Here's the log file. There's something about a theme conflict but I can't imagine that could be the problem, could it?
Jul 25 07:48:37 lvl1: requested mismatched theme type for [video.md_lastplayed] - expected "datetime", got "text"
Jul 25 07:48:37 lvl1: requested mismatched theme type for [video.md_lastplayed] - expected "datetime", got "text"
Jul 25 07:48:37 lvl1: requested mismatched theme type for [video.md_lastplayed] - expected "datetime", got "text"
Jul 25 07:48:37 lvl2: Added known joystick 'Xbox One S Controller' (instance ID: 0, device index: 0)
Jul 25 07:48:37 lvl2: Added known joystick 'Xbox One S Controller' (instance ID: 0, device index: 0)
Jul 25 07:48:58 lvl2: req sound [detailed.launch]
Jul 25 07:48:58 lvl2: (missing)
Jul 25 07:48:58 lvl2: Attempting to launch game...
Jul 25 07:48:59 lvl2: sudo /home/emulationstation/RetroPie-Setup/ retropiemenu launch /home/emulationstation/RetroPie/retropiemenu/rpsetup.rp </dev/tty >/dev/tty
Jul 25 07:49:25 lvl2: Creating window...
Jul 25 07:49:26 lvl2: Created window successfully.
Jul 25 07:49:26 lvl2: GL vendor: Intel
Jul 25 07:49:26 lvl2: GL renderer: Mesa Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 (SKL GT2)
Jul 25 07:49:26 lvl2: GL version: 4.6 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 24.0.9-0ubuntu0.1
Jul 25 07:49:26 lvl2: Checking available OpenGL extensions...
Jul 25 07:49:26 lvl2: ARB_texture_non_power_of_two: ok
Jul 25 07:49:26 lvl2: Added known joystick 'Xbox One S Controller' (instance ID: 1, device index: 0)
Jul 25 07:49:26 lvl1: requested mismatched theme type for [detailed.md_lastplayed] - expected "datetime", got "text"
Jul 25 07:49:27 lvl2: Added known joystick 'Xbox One S Controller' (instance ID: 1, device index: 0)
Jul 25 07:49:36 lvl2: Added/Updated 1 entities in '/home/emulationstation/.emulationstation/gamelists/retropie/gamelist.xml'
Jul 25 07:49:36 lvl2: Saved gamelist.xml for system "retropie" in 0 ms
Jul 25 07:49:36 lvl2: EmulationStation cleanly shutting down. -
I've updated by 22.04 install to 24.04, but I can't reproduce this issue. I'm using the default (Wayland session) Gnome session and EmulationStation is started from the RetroPie shortcut (
), so running undergnome-terminal
, and there's no issue with runcommand or RetroPie-Setup being started/working.Is
set-up for your user so as to not require a password ? That could explain why RetroPie-Setup doesn't work from EmulationStation. -
@mitu I believe so. That's where you change the ALL:ALL ALL NOPASSWD or something like that in terminal, correct?
@rom11617 said in Retropie setup menu/Runcommand crashing in ES on Ubuntu:
. That's where you change the ALL:ALL ALL NOPASSWD
Yes, that would be it.
@mitu yeah, I've done that. Out of the gate. So weird.
@rom11617 Hi, I had the same issue and this fixed it for me. In the file scriptmodules/supplementary/ try changing the line:
setESSystem "RetroPie" "retropie" "$rpdir" ".rp .sh" "sudo $scriptdir/ retropiemenu launch %ROM% </dev/tty >/dev/tty" "" "retropie"
setESSystem "RetroPie" "retropie" "$rpdir" ".rp .sh" "sudo $scriptdir/ retropiemenu launch %ROM%" "" "retropie"
Then install the retropiemenu from the setup script.
@V0rt3x667 Dude this worked! However, I still cannot get runcommand to function. I press the button 0 on the controller after the game launches but the game just loads.
I have joysticks enabled, menu art disabled, runcommand menu enabled. Any ideas?
@rom11617 I think it is an issue with pysdl2. Prior to Retropie switching over to it I never experienced the controller not working on the runcommand launch screen. It also seems to be an issue that only effects x11 or Wayland users. If you run in KMS (no display manager or compositor running) there is no issue. I will see what else I can find out to help.
@V0rt3x667 said in Retropie setup menu/Runcommand crashing in ES on Ubuntu:
I think it is an issue with pysdl2.
Sure, it migh be, but that doesn't explain why the setup script works fine outside of EmulationStation -
is used in that case also forjoy2key
. -
@V0rt3x667 I installed kitty and set as the default terminal emulator. However when Emulationstation loads, I still get the purple colored terminal screen, it doesn't look like kitty. No change to being able to launch runcommand and change the emulators...
@rom11617 Just to clarify did you launch EmulationStation directly from kitty? If you use the RetroPie shortcut it will still launch via gnome-terminal. Thanks.
@V0rt3x667 I did launch through retropie shortcut. Duh...I'll try and report back.
@rom11617 Hi did you have any luck getting the launch menu working with a controller? Thanks
And i have just now found i have problably the same issue......... problably also a very similar issue explained here:
And here on this thread.I have updated my Mini PC Intel to UBUNTU 24.04.1 LTS..... Emulationstation working.... but if i try to open Retropie Setup or for example the Runcommands setup it's not accept anythigs command!
No moviment at all if i use my Controller....... and if i press one button on KEYBOARD all it's crash and it's bring back emulationstation.For example if i open Retropie_setup it's be launch.. but when i touch a button on keyboard all crash and emulationstation bring back on the screen.
Apparently if i open retropie_setup script from terminal joy2key works and i can move inside all menù.... retropie_setup for example crash only if i launch it from emulationstation.
@mitu the strange things it's every it's be need to run on terminal by Emulationstation goes in crash after a lot seconds.
I have also tryed to open ESThemes.... RunCommand option... Show IP... Config Editor..Every Terminal operation it's opened apparently it's not accept any pressed button from keyboard and from Joystick (so it's joy2key not work??) and the terminal windows crash whitout any apparently error.
When you launch a game if you use a keyboard you can change options from runcommand but runcommand not show if i press one button on joystick....
hi @mitu about 1 minutes ago i have obtain this errors on my PC... look:
When i try to open a games i have tryed to open the runcommand menù.... and this errors it's appears.
Open the details apparently i can't use copy/paste... need other screenshot:
Or full image:
Scroll down:
Also here can provide full screen image:
among the many lines one says:
This package does not appear to be installed correctlyBut it's related to phyton... joy2key himself or again the current kernel ?
Onestly i don't have the necessary knowledge to understand that.The strange issue you can't reproduce the issue.. really ?
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