Convert batch file to a linux script
Edit: sorry, this should probably be in "help and support" but for some strange reason I get an error "category doesn't exist when trying to submit.
Hi, I found this Batch file in the forums (Sorry for not crediting the creator as I can't remember where I found it now).
The batch file scans a directory of ROMS which looks for a directory called "images" for a png with the same name as the ROM and it creates an XML file for ES.
It isn't perfect though.
- I found I had to do a few Find and replace's with a good text editor to clean up the XML (easily fixed though I just haven't bothered to yet.) the path to the images doesn't work i have to replace "~/retropie/roms/arcade//images" to "./images"
- it runs from windows and scans the drive share which makes it very slow.
- I use OS X so I have to boot back and forth from windows to use the script
- for MAME ROMS I remove the ROM name from the <name></name > tag as ES scrapes the ROMS and puts in the full game name rather than just the shortened file name.
you might ask me why I don't use one of the built scrappers? personally I haven't had much luck with any of them (ES and Sselph). most the time it renames the coms incorrectly adds the wrong image or doesn't find a match at all
My process which has been working perfectly is, collect my set of ROMS, use Hypersync from the Hyperspin project to scan and download all the needed images, place said images into the "images folder", run the batch file and presto all my ROMS with images in a ES compatible XML.
The script is extremely simple. I was hoping someone could help me convert it into a script that could be run directly from the RPi CLI?
If run from the RPi it would be near instant even on the largest of rom collections
@echo off
echo Working...
echo ^<?xml version="1.0"?^> > gamelist.xml
echo ^<gameList^> >> gamelist.xml
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b') do cls && echo Working... && echo %%~na && echo ^<game^> >> gamelist.xml && echo ^<path^>.^/%%a^</path^> >> gamelist.xml && echo ^<name^>%%~na^</name^> >> gamelist.xml && echo ^<desc^>^<^/desc^> >> gamelist.xml && echo ^<image^>^~^/RetroPie^/roms^/%1^/images^/%%~na.png^</image^> >> gamelist.xml && echo ^<rating^>^</rating^> >> gamelist.xml && echo ^<developer^>^</developer^> >> gamelist.xml && echo ^<publisher^>^</publisher^> >> gamelist.xml && echo ^<genre^>^</genre^> >> gamelist.xml && echo ^<players^>^</players^> >> gamelist.xml && echo ^<^/game^> >> gamelist.xml
echo ^<^/gameList^> >> gamelist.xml
echo Done!I would do it myself and still will if I don't get any help, but I am only just learning linux and trying to wrap my head around the file system and CLI.
Please use formatting if posting configs/code to the forum - - I will format your post.
[edit] I can't format it as it's full of whitespace - you may want to edit / repaste it correctly into a code block otherwise content from it could be lost / not displayed correctly
Answering my own question. I will start a new thread with full usage
#!/bin/bash # Script use $ sudo ./ [RomDirectoryName] [-n optional] # -n does not right name to <name> tag useful for MAME roms as ES will autofill correct name # Store arguments arg1=$1 arg2=$2 output="gamelist.xml" # Change deliminator for $IFS # Allows script to work with names with white space SAVEIFS=$IFS IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b") # print scripts current status printf "Scanning dir: "$arg1"...\n" # Creates output XML file (gamelist.xml) printf "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n\n" > ./$arg1/$output printf "<gameList>\n" >> ./$arg1/$output # Scans directory given by first argument for file in ./$arg1/* do # Just some manipulatiuon of data returned by $file filename=$(echo $file | cut -f 3 -d '/') name=$(echo $filename | cut -f 1 -d '.') # Checking for existance of correctly named image in ./images dir. [[ -f ./$arg1/images/$name.png ]] && theImage=./images/$name.png || theImage="" # Start writing to gamelist.xml printf "\n" >> ./$arg1/$output printf "\t<game>\n" >> ./$arg1/$output printf "\t\t<path>./"$filename"</path>\n" >> ./$arg1/$output # Checking whether the -n argument was used if [ $arg2 = "-n" ]; then name="" fi # Continuing writing to gamelist.xml printf "\t\t<name>"$name"</name>\n" >> ./$arg1/$output printf "\t\t<desc></desc>\n" >> ./$arg1/$output printf "\t\t<image>"$theImage"</image>\n" >> ./$arg1/$output printf "\t\t<rating></rating>\n" >> ./$arg1/$output printf "\t\t<releasedate></releasedate>\n" >> ./$arg1/$output printf "\t\t<developer></developer>\n" >> ./$arg1/$output printf "\t\t<publisher></publisher>\n" >> ./$arg1/$output printf "\t\t<genre></genre>\n" >> ./$arg1/$output printf "\t\t<players></players>\n" >> ./$arg1/$output printf "\t</game>\n" >> ./$arg1/$output # Print scripts current status printf $filename clear printf "Scanning dir: "$arg1"...\n" done # Closing gamelist.xml file printf "</gameList>" >> ./$arg1/$output # print scripts current status clear printf "Finished\n"
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