Which emus are worth my time? Hit me with your thoughts..
I don't care for most of the handhelds either, but GameBoy Advance actually has a lot of really great games (Mario Kart-Super Circuit, Advance Wars, The Legend of Zelda-The Minish Cap, etc.).
The PC Engine/Turbo Grafx 16 has the original Bomberman games and Bonk's Adventure, which are a lot of fun.
Give the VirtualBoy a try.
So long as you don't get a headache or start feeling nauseous, some of the games are actually pretty good.
Also it's an interesting curiosity. The emulator defaults to playing in 2D, but if you can get hold of a set of those cardboard anaglyph red/blue 3D specs, you can set it to anaglyph mode, and it actually works really well.
You're probably not going to spend hours playing it, but it's interestingly different. (Plus there's not many games for it, so it takes up hardly any space on your SD card)
@GtBFilms I'm interested in give it a try. Can you say your favorite games for VirtualBoy?
On a real virtual boy, I liked Red Alarm, but that doesn't work so well with my MAME cab controls.
So under emulation, I have been impressed by:
Mario Tennis (the anaglyph 3D works really well in this one)
Jack Brothers no Meiro de Hīhō! is quite interesting, but basic.
Probably the best VirtualBoy game (under emulation) in my opinion is:
Virtual Boy Wario Land
The unreleased (but since completed) Bound High, is also quite good, again quite a basic idea, but works pretty well.
@najkks really enjoying Slipheed on the Sega CD personally
I didn't read the rest of the posts so apologies if this is redundant. I recommend PC Engine and Neo Geo emulators myself. Neo Geo particularly as it has some of the best 2D graphics (many games are still somewhat mind blowing even today). Also Sega CD has some really good hidden gems (the non-FMV games like Snatcher, Soul Star, Silpheed, Sonic CD etc).
@GtBFilms would it work well with the 3D glasses that come with a 3D tv you think?
@ebtalk I personally doubt it, though I don't know for sure myself. The 3D effect in virtual boy games is nothing to write home about anyway in most cases accept for maybe a couple games. Nintendo made a conscious decision to design the virtual boy as poorly as possible. Even considering the technology of the time it would have been possible to do full color Playstation level graphics if they put more than five minutes thought into this product. Id rather play VB games in 2D myself.
@ebtalk I'm afraid I don't think it will work at all with the glasses that come with a modern 3d TV. As far as I am aware the only options it supports are rendering in 2D, or rendering an anaglyph (blue/red) image where the 3D effect can be achieved with old-school 3D anaglyph cardboard glasses.
It's not ideal for extended play, that's for sure, but interesting to try for something a bit different!
@GtBFilms said in Which emus are worth my time? Hit me with your thoughts..:
the 3D effect can be achieved with old-school 3D anaglyph cardboard glasses.
I have a traditional pair of sunglasses with red and blue lenses in the frames that are very comfortable. I've used them in many situations over the years, but currently they're sitting next to my Pi for the sole purpose of VirtualBoy emulation. While it's not a perfect solution for 3D support, I find that it works very well and it's quite a novelty to see these games visually approximated in the way they were intended.
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