Input needed: ES theming improvements
I do not think video preview is working in this build of ES. I tried setting it up for 3 days and couldn't get it to work. I downloaded fieldofcow's ES and it worked right away.
I will test the carousel bar next.
@Rookervik / anyone else :
Did you manage to try out the theming of the carousel bar?
If there are no open bugs, I'll prepare a PR for this. -
I haven't had a chance to test your changes, but I did look over your code and had a couple of suggestions.
- Make element names camel case. This would make it consistent with how the other elements are named.
- Merge
into a singlelogoSize
element. This is how size is specified everywhere else in the theme.
Here is an example of the theme with these changes.
<systemcarousel name = "carousel"> <yPos>0.80</yPos> <height>0.1</height> <color>f0f0f000</color> <infobarColor>90909060</infobarColor> <infobarFontPath>./art/font.ttf</infobarFontPath> <infobarFontSize>0.033</infobarFontSize> <infobarFontColor>ffffffff</infobarFontColor> <logoScale>1.2</logoscale> <logoSize>0.22 0.24</logoSize> <maxLogoCount>5</maxLogoCount> </systemcarousel>
Also, I believe that you mentioned that you fixed the default sizes, but it doesn't look like that change made it into your branch on github.
It is all nitpicky, but I figured I would mention it. Great job though. Can't wait to see this change land.
@Zigurana I like a lot the commit you did, and it's very nice to theming carousel bar, it was something that I always thinking that must be themable, i'm glad with you for this commit, but unfortunately i need to compile it for windows to test it, because I don't have money to buy a Rpi, and I'm very busy with other things, I don't have time to do tests or try to compile it for windows.
Anyway I'm here for helping the forum and contribute with everything I can, so if I can help you on anything else, please tell me, I'll be glad to help you.
I hope you understand me welll, sorry for my poor english.
Regards mate.
I only just got the ES with themable carousel to work. The logos are still extremely small, and the right hand logo loads slowly. I will try theming the bar now. ES also crashes on exit. So it doesn't seem terribly stable.
Getting a lot of "
lvl1: OptionListComponent too narrow!
" Errors in debug.And in trying to get the carousel themed, I had no luck. With the download mattrixk provided in the comment above.
@Rookervik My bad, I must have misread what you said. Too lazy to go up and check.
@mattrixk No bad on your part. I just couldn't get the carousel to theme. Not your fault in any way.
@Zigurana Is it done? I really could use it for my carbon based special theme here:
Need to adjust y position.
ben0bi -
@Zigurana Cool. Did not see it, sorry for the other reply.
I like the look of that theme @EctoOne. I'm curious to see the rest of it.
@mattrixk It's basically a Mix of NBBA and your Systemlogos from the Io theme. I just removed the dynamic graphics from NBBA, googled for a dark wallpaper and a different font (for the carousel mod, I actually had to add an invisible font as well to completely hide the 'XX Games available' text).
I was looking for a theme that had the same look as the Quartz theme I use on Kodi. And NBBA was almost perfect in terms of layout, although I'm kinda missing the description text but it would look bad with my square Mix Images from the Universal XML Scraper.
Maybe I can upload a screenshot of the basic and detailed view later when I'm back home. -
@EctoOne That sounds good. If you have the time I'd like to see it. Is it a work in progress? Are you planning to release it to the world?
I'm surprised anyone knows of Io. I made it mainly to practice using <include>.
Sorry to hijack the thread. I'll be giving this build a test today during my lunch break.
@mattrixk Io was the first theme that caught my attention when I got my Pi a few months ago because it was dark and simple. Then I found DarkAde but since then I kept the black and white Systemlogos from Io.
But I don't think I will release it, because I'm not sure about all those copyright things. Maybe we can make a new thread about custom modded themes and use pastebin and some instructions to get around that, I don't know. In my case people just have to get their on wallpaper and font, download Io and paste my main theme.xml over yours (should work I guess). -
@lilbud Sorry for the offtopic but... are you from spain?
Hi @Zigurana, I had a little play with this Carousel Mod during my lunch break. I love it and can't wait for it to be a part of the main RetroPie install. I do have a small list of issues, and another list of questions/ideas.
- Changing themes will occasionally send the start menu down to "Quit" instead of staying on the "UI Settings" option.
- The right hand logo takes a second to "pop" in (you already know this one).
- There seems to be a slight overlap or border (about 1px) between the Carousel and Infobar. You can see it if both are set to
. - Transparency doesn't work for
(I don't know if transparency is supposed to work for text in general). - If you make the <height> less than the <logosize>, the <infobar> sits over the bottom of the logo. Maybe swap their z-index so the carousel is "higher" than the infobar?
- If you only have 3 systems and set the
to 4 or 5, it still only shows 3. I don't think many people would only have 3 systems, but it's worth mentioning.
- Is it possible to set the origin point of the carousel? At the moment the <ypos> works from the top of the carousel. It would be handy if we could set the <origin> point to either the center or the bottom.
- Are we able to set the Infobar font to lowercase (or capital case)?
- Is it possible to have the Infobar above the Carousel?
- Is it possible to add a background to the Carousel (and Infobar), like a pattern or image? I realise we could just add
<image name="behind_carousel" extra="true">
or something, but that image would disappear when you scroll between systems. It's not a big thing, I just thought I'd mention it.
I think that's it for now. I'll keep playing with it over the next few days. I also want to the give the Video Mod a go too. This is fun.
I was wondering if it's possible to change the width of the carousel and move it sideways.
I was looking for some wallpapers for my personal theme and I found some where it would be awesome if I could set the systems to show only one and have that slightly of center to the right. It would be a good option too if you could get the vertical carousel to work. Kinda like we have now with the gamelists. -
@Nismo No, I'm in the US.
It is a popular picture here.
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