Problem with USB controllers after pairing NES30 Pro
Also, thinking I could go back and start fresh, I selected "Factory reset configs" in the retropie menu. Now some of my emulators (specifically SNES, PCengine, and NEO GEO) will not run any games. I had all of them working before this recent episode. I think I might just wipe my sd card and start from a fresh install. I don't know what's going on.
@clengman You could try first to reset the controller configuration for ES from the RetroPie-Setup menu first. Then reconfigure all your controllers again.
@Rion Thanks. I did try that. It didn't seem to help.
Did a little more playing around this morning. I can report that if I go into bluetooth configuration and remove my 8bitdo controller from the registered devices, the USB controllers work in game. If I then add and configure the 8bitdo, the NES30 Pro, but the USB controllers stop working. So I can use one or the other but not both and for the wired controllers to work, I have to delete the registration for the 8bitdo controller.
To clarify, when I'm in emulation station, I can configure all the controllers and everything works. It's just when I run a game that the USB controllers stop working.
I'm out currently but will debug when I'm next around. I need to confirm a recent mapping change I made hasn't broken it too.
@BuZz I appreciate your help. Glad this board is here. :)
@clengman Please SSH in to the RPI and give me the output of the following (use an external pastebin site or make sure you put it in a code block on the forum)
for js in /dev/input/js*; do echo $js; udevadm info $js; done; ls -la /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch/autoconfig find /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch/autoconfig/ -type f -print -exec cat {} \; cat ~/.emulationstation/es_input.cfg
updated my previous post a bit.
@BuZz I understand the concept of SSH, but I'll have to figure out how to do it. Haven't tried anything like this yet. I'll post when I have it figured out. Thanks!
This is what I got:
I hope it's helpful and in a form that is easy to work with. I didn't get any output for the command in the third line.
@BuZz I think I may have figured out what was giving me problems. I had the bluetooth settings such that the 8bitdo was being turned on everytime I turned on the Pi. I was trying to play with the two usb controllers not realizing that the 8bitdo was on and serving as the 1P controller. If I restart retropie keeping the 8bitdo turned off I can use the two usb controllers for 2 player games. Please forgive me for wasting your time. I appreciate that you were willing to help.
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