3.5" Kedei LCD touchscreen Help
First off, Im newbie at this Pi3 and linux
I bought bought this screen:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/262339316253?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AITIts version 5( also have v5 drivers)
I have it working on raspian, no problems, touch scrren works as well, but when i try to boot up retropie, it turns black and has a flashing cursor in the top left corner and thats all. Any help? -
So no one successfully got this screen working in Retropie?
What v5 drivers? Did you use their provided image or did you install the "v5 drivers" seperately? It's probably a custom compiled version of the kernel. More info will help.
As it is, You're not going to see anything on the tft, if you have hdmi connected you'll see retropie/ES being output there instead. With the latest kernels, all these little GPIO tft screens are easily setup using DT overlay and framebuffer copy to output to them. Most of the better tfts have overlays for them. Not sure about yours, I believe the controller may be a clone of ili9341/9486. Check with your seller if your brand has dt overlay for it, if it has then it should work when enabled with framebuffer copy. Look up FBCP.
FWIW even if your tft will work with retropie, I'm quite sure it's 480x320 and performance would be dismal. There's bound to be tearing and low framerates. Maybe just use it as is, and get another better tft for retropie use.
@senkun yes its 480x320, I used "LCD_show_v5.tar" because on the back of the board it says version 5. Prior to installing the driver all I got was a white screen. After installing them I could use the tft in raspian only. I also installed fbcp and had that working. Looks like I gonna get a better lcd display because I see what your saying about the refresh rates are so slow.
so no one has found a way to get this screen to work on retropie yet?
I guess I should have checked here before I bought it, only got it to work in raspbian so far, and the half baked manual doesn't really clearly shows how or witch drivers to use .
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