Emulationstation kodi rc6 remote control
Hi All,
Just downloaded and installed the latest version of retropie on my pi 3 and loving it so far!
Today I installed Kodi and got it all working all apart from 1 little thing...I have a snes usb control pad (usb port 1) keyboard (port 3) and Windows media center infra red unit (port 4) and all is working apart from the ok button and the back button on the RC6 remote control.
Can use the control pad just fine (annoyed with the cable)
If I try and setup the remote in emulation station via the gui it doesnt recognise it as being a remote it picks it up as a keyboard... im thinking this is the issue... can anyone help me here?
Also Is there a way I can use the Kodi app on my Android to control anything while Kodi isnt on?
I tried to search for my issue but couldnt find any so if there is Mods please delete this and link me.
really no one has any idea what im talking about?
my rc6 remore works but the ok and back button doesnt!
will like to get it all working in the emulation station menu as well as kodi menu!
when i do the calibration the remote control shows up as a usb keyboard and when i set the keys nothing happens when inpress back or ok...
please help!
Hi All,
Really I'm the only one who is having this problem!
need this fixed please!
I never tried to use infra red remotes on emulationstation, but it should be possible. Some time ago I had an infra red remote setup in Kodi, one of those cheap chinese ones. I had to install and configure lirc, and download the proper keymap for it from a website that has a lot of them preconfigured, but don't remember the name. After that, all keys worked fine I think, but if it is not your case, install the Kodi addon Keymap Editor and configure as you like.
An Android app to controll everything, I don't believe it exists, but you can try to install the virtual gamepad, it is described on RetroPie wiki and install the Android app. It will allow to controll Emulation Station and play games.
@dfelice81 @Rascas
There is an Android app to control everything and it even surpassed the official one on Play Store.Search for 'Yatse'
@Rion Yatse is to control Kodi only, so if it isn't on, it won't work.
I have solved this issue with a keymaps file !
0 - open ssh or local cmd line session
1 - copy rc6_mce file from /lib/udev/rc_keymaps/ to /etc/rc_keymaps/
2 - edit file /etc/rc_keymaps/rc6_mce
3 - change in the first line as below (type by default is incorrect)
# table rc6_mce, type: RC-6
4 - search scancode in same file and change KEY code as below :
0x800f0422 KEY_ENTER
0x800f0423 KEY_BACKSPACE
0x800f0424 KEY_C
note : you can change any KEY code on scancode by a other KEY code as you want (if you know scancode of your remote for each button, you can know it to get scancode when you push a button with using "ir-keytable" tool, reminder : to use ir-keytable, you must unlock /dev/input/event<X> = IR device with fuser )
5 - save your edited rc6_mce file and restart your raspberry PI
6 - your rc6 remore works with the ok and back button and even menu button ! -
@talfr thanks ill give it a go!
im also toying with the idea of berrybooting...
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