Xin-mo missing a couple of diagonals?
Hi there,
First post and asking for help already :)
I have a xin-mo input controller which i have wired to a sanwa arcade joytick and buttons.
The buttons work fine and up, down, left, right work work fine too.
diagonally up/right and down/left are ok also.
It just wont go the other 2 ways....
have set it up through retro pie and tried to set it up in mame and it just stays the same...
Am I missing something or could it could be a compatibility thing?
Any help is appreciated.
anyone come across this before?
I've got the same problem, at first I thought it was the zippy sticks I'm using because I saw a few issues reported with malformed restrictor plates. I even removed them completely but both sticks have exactly the same issue, no up-left or down-right diagonal, whereas up-right and down-left work fine on both. Could it be related to how the switches are mapped to directions on the xin-mo board ?
I found and fixed the problem. I hadn't paid attention to the fact that I hadn't put up and down and left and right on the same axis ( +1/-1 +0/-0 ). By simply swapping two of the switch cables on the sticks and remapping the inputs in retroarch I now have 4 directions + 4 proper diagonals on both sticks ( easily tested in 1943 for example )
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