Remove auto login text at boot
When I removed
everything was still clean for me but when I removedconsole=ttyAMA0,115200
I had about a half dozen lines right before the RetroPie logo screen but nowhere else. I was doing it more for comparison than anything else as it does work well on the Pi 3 vs. Mancity is using a B+ I think. I am not sure if that's the main difference because my boot is clean as a whistle. -
So, just literally bought a Pi3 (B+). Put a new install of RetroPie on and added the lines "console=tty3 quiet logo.nologo" to cmdline.exe and STILL see the automatic login!
So there's no way im the only one?
@mancity said in Remove auto login text at boot:
So, just literally bought a Pi3 (B+). Put a new install of RetroPie on and added the lines "console=tty3 quiet logo.nologo" to cmdline.exe and STILL see the automatic login!
So there's no way im the only one?
did you add those as new lines? I believe that file should only be 1 line in total and the "console=tty3" part should not be "added", rather you should change the existing setting
Yeah exactly that. I changed console=tty1 to 3 and then added quiet and logo.nologo directly after and the whole thing is on a single line.I literally dont understand what I'm doing wrong I though oh maybe it's because I'm using a Pi B+ but obviously not. It's a complete fresh retropie image too which I have just downloaded and the only single change I made because I was testing was to cmdline.txt
I'm baffled what I'm doing wrong :(
Also does everyone manually remove the motd test or does that not show for them as well?
So... I moved the Pi 3 downstairs last night to use in the front room, and since then, the automatic login hasn't appeared. The ONLY difference is there now isn't a keyboard attached.
Surely that not it?
PS - On the Pi B+, still happens.
How long does the output "linger"? Is it seconds or just a flash? I don't have any more thoughts as for me it was literally a few seconds to tweak and it worked perfectly according to the Wiki. Maybe you could paste the contents of your cmdline.txt exactly as it appears.
It may sound overly simplified but it seems you must be doing something different as no one else has come forward with the same issue. Is it possible you're doing some step that you're certain wouldn't be the issue is possibly the culprit. I've done that a few times and had a eureka moment. You might have to scrutinize every change you're making. The answer has to be there.
Well when it shows, it lingers for about 2 seconds, but using my Pi 3, I think the issue is solved .
@mancity said in Remove auto login text at boot:
Well when it shows, it lingers for about 2 seconds, but using my Pi 3, I think the issue is solved .
Ok, great, so the Pi 3 is working properly it's just the B+ then that was giving you issues?
@mancity For me, this question also remained topical, and I have found a solution.
you need to open raspi-config, choose "boot option", select the second item "wait for network at boot", and click "No".
thus, there is no more text. -
@linuxarcadeguy I am the same.OTL
Did you solve that? -
@tanakarena solved! look up
@LinuxArcadeGuy thanks very much, your comment fixed my issues.. that autologin text was painfull the the console feel i was looking for
Thanks for the instructions, however I'm still getting two lines of data.
The first saying the last time I logged in like time and date then tyy1 at the end
The second saying Linux retropie with the build which is December 22nd
Any ideas?
touch ~/.hushlogin
Running this script has made the boot completely silent for me.
#!/bin/sh # Remove boot logging and images. # (Thanks to CMD_LINE="dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=tty3 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwait quiet splash logo.nologo plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles disable_splash=1 vt.cur_default=1 vt.global_cursor_default=0 plymouth.enable=0" echo $CMD_LINE | sudo tee /boot/cmdline.txt > /dev/null sudo mv /usr/share/plymouth/themes/pix/splash.png /usr/share/plymouth/themes/pix/splash_disabled.png # Remove various messages shown at login: echo "" | sudo tee /etc/issue > /dev/null echo "" | sudo tee /etc/ > /dev/null sudo sed -i "/" /etc/pam.d/login sudo sed -i "/" /etc/pam.d/login sudo sed -i "/" /etc/pam.d/login # Remove the pesky "raspberrypi login: pi (automatic login)" text. Thanks @LinuxArcadeGuy! sudo sed /etc/systemd/system/autologin@.service -i -e "s#^ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin [^[:space:]]*#ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --skip-login --noclear --noissue --login-options \"-f pi\" %I $TERM#"
@namannik check my updated post, Stretch is quite different and requires some alterations, as there have been depreciations...
using this line: ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --skip-login --noclear --noissue --login-options "-f pi" %I $TERM
the --skip-login and --login-options "-f pi" had to be removed as it would get stuck at a login prompt and reboot or boot to a black screen right before ES loaded, and you couldnt get ES to load...
Default username: pi
Default Password: raspberry
at command prompt, type sudo raspi-config
select option 3 in menu (Boot Options)
select option B1 (Desktopp/CLI)
select option B2 (Console Autologin)Then Ok, exit all the way and restart.
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