Segmentation Fault Screen
@Justinamazing Bad image burn, Corrupt image, Incompatible card? -
Have you built or updated ES from source?
@Justinamazing have you tried to login with default username & password? I got the same issue a few days ago. It's a very strange situation since I turned on the Raspberry and when it's starting all the services, it suddenly stops and shows the segmentation fault screen. But if I take the machine's IP number using Win SCP through it I get able to connect with it.
I'm still trying to solve it. I downloaded the last retropie image and tend to restore it from the beginning since I did update it from the basic installation menu and the problem continued.
By the way, I got a Raspberry Pi 2 model B+.
Are any of you overclocked?
@pjft nope
@martincrocenzi how many raspberries on boot?
@martincrocenzi hm. Can you ssh into it though? Did you download and install the right image for your pi?
@Justinamazing how many raspberries do you see on boot? Which image did you use?
@BuZz whenever I turn the Raspberry it gives me four raspberries at the screen, change to the logo screen I've chosen and then it starts to set up all the services. Then, after a moment, it goes to the almost same screen that Justinamazing posted at the top of this page. Is that the info you need?
@pjft actually it was working fine until last Sunday or Monday. I put some PSX games in the proper folder but I don't really think it has something to do with it. I guess it's something related to the retropie services on the boot.
@martincrocenzi if it used to be working and you didn't update anything, my best bet is either a corrupted sd card or something on emulation station gone wrong because of the new games.
Have you tried removing those same games and trying again?
@pjft yesterday I made a back up of all the games I had and downloaded the last retropie image realeased from UK official page. I'm sure you're right about that the sd card is corrupted and I'll re-install it today. The PSX games are Thrill Kill and Activision's Apocalypsis (that one with Bruce Willis). I got another sd card with Retropie, I could try to copy those games on that and check if it causes any problem. I'll get you noticed about that later. Thanks!
@martincrocenzi great timing on the backup ;)
The reason I ask about removing the games is because sometimes emulation station just acts up because of lack of memory. Adding more than X systems on specific themes may cause the infamous WSOD for instance.
What theme are you using? And what emulation station are you on (main branch? kids friendly?).
Best of luck!
@pjft I see... hmmm, I got running SNES + NES + Master System + Genesis + MAME & FBA and PSX with a few games. MAME & FBA runs the classic games like Cadillacs & Dinosaurs, Captain Commando and the Street Fighters (2 and 3). It coluld be a matter of space, too since I got a 16 gb sd card and it had only 500 mb free. The theme is Carbon dark and the Emulation Station is the one tha comes as default.
@martincrocenzi might be space then. As I suggested, try removing the games you added on Sunday/Monday, and see if it helps. If it does, try adding then back one by one.
Well, instalation done with the official release from Works perfectly fine in Raspberry Pi 2 model B with a Kingston 16 gb class 4 SD Card (it's the only one I got beside the 8 gb sd card that came with the unit). To check, I copy the two games that were supposed to cause the problem (Thrill Kill & Apocalipsys) and everything went completelly fine. It works as before the SEGMENTATION FAULT screen. I guess that some services were corrupted by an unknown reason on the sd card and that issue was solved with the re-installation of the RetroPie image. Sorry for not being able to aport a proper solution to this.
@pjft I am. Got the same error when trying to get too aggressive with it. Whats up?
@zoop did you reboot the raspberry? when exactly do you get that screen? Can you detail the text or message you receive? Any capture or pic? Which Raspberry do you have? Which sd card? Any other specs? Whta do you mean with too aggressive?
@martincrocenzi said in Segmentation Fault Screen:
@zoop did you reboot the raspberry? when exactly do you get that screen? Can you detail the text or message you receive? Any capture or pic? Which Raspberry do you have? Which sd card? Any other specs? Whta do you mean with too aggressive?
I used a kit I ordered from Amazon for my PI setup. The details may be found here, including the details on the SD card:
Pi Model or other hardware: PI 3 Model B
Power Supply used: 5V/2.5A Power supply charger for Raspberry 3B
RetroPie Version Used (3.6, 3.8.1, 4.01 etc.. - do not write latest): 4.1
Built From: Pre made SD Image on RetroPie websiteThe overclock settings I am using without issues are (credit YouTube vid where I found them):
Stable settings for me:
gpu_freq=400When I bumped the arm_freq up to 1450 I received the aforementioned error. Resolving the issue on my end was as simple as modifying my config.txt to scale back the arm_freq to 1400 again and powering the system off then back on again. To my great relief everything just worked once the setting had been changed back to a stable configuration.
I do not 100% remember how the screen looked with the error. It may have just been a single line reading segmentation fault. All I remember for sure is there was a 'segmentation fault error' on the screen and I figured it had to be my OC settings. I just had to hope I had not corrupted my image or something..
Apologies for the delayed response, I hope you find what you're looking for and are able to resolve the issue. Best luck!
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