Pi3 Stuck at Boot
I recently got my pie and booted it up, however I keep running into an issue when rebooting emulation station. I have googled, searched the forum, and read the basic troubleshooting. I apologize if I am missing one of the basics but have followed the "Read this First" post with my device info below.Upon restart I am getting the screen with the retropie joystic written in characters, it has my system info, and finally a line of code reading pi@retropie:"$ with the cursor blinking. Keyboard and controller input do nothing, F4 will not read obviously because of that. The only option is a hard reboot which I would LOVE to avoid. Any ideas?
Pi Model or other hardware: Model 3B
Power Supply used: I bought the LoverPi kit and tried my Galaxy s7 charger with same result
RetroPie Version Used (eg 3.6, 3.8.1, 4.1 - do not write latest): 4.1
Built From: (Pre made SD Image on RetroPie website, Berryboot, or on top of existing OS etc.. - please provide the filename of any image used) Pre made image from retropie.org.uk
USB Devices connected: usb dongle for keyboard, tried once with controller, and another time with no devices all the same result.
Controller used: rock candy xbox 360 wired (read in fine with no issues)
Error messages received:
Log found in /dev/shm/runcommand.log (if relevant): Unable to pull log due to no input.
Guide used: (Mention if you followed a guide)
File: (File with issue - with FULL path)
Emulator: (Name of emulator - if applicable)
Attachment of config files: (PLEASE USE PASTEBIN.COM FOR LARGE LOGS)
How to replicate the problem: Unsure how to replicate unfortunately. -
need to go into pi config and set it to boot emulationstation. i would tell you what to type in ssh to get into it but i dont have that info handy sorry.
What happen if you type "emulationstation" into the command line? Does it start?
I disconnected the keyboard and reconnected a few times, and then finally did a hard reset and it seems to be ok now. I have rebooted about 4 times due to new roms and have had it happen 1 additional time. Hoping it does not become more common, trying to adjust the boot settings now to always boot into emulation station.
Thanks for the quick replies everyone!
@astanners If your power suppy is not rated at 2.5A, it may not boot with peripherals connected.
@rbaker I ended up grabbing a preconfigured image Retropie - [removed by admin]. It booted right up and has worked nicely.
The issue I am encountering now is when I plug in my USB drive and reboot it, the pi will not boot up, it goes through the start video and then just goes to a black screen. Once I remove the USB stick the device won't get past the command line.
Any thoughts?
@astanners Do not ask for help here with 3rd party images (especially those which illegally include games).
@BuZz The image just had settings configured and has now allowed the device to get past boot. There were no roms included on the image.
@astanners I still cannot advise though. No idea the make up of that image (Although according to the link it did indeed come with games afair).
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