No Hack Option in Configure Bluetooth Devices..
Have my 8bitdo NES30 Pro connected to my retropie, controls work in emulation station but not in games. I've updated the controller with the 1.71 firmware and registered the controller to the pie but there is no option in the Configure Bluetooth Devices to turn the hack off. The only options I see are 1)Register and Connect to Bluetooth Device 2)Unregister and Remove Bluetooth Device 3)Display Registered & Connected Bluetooth Devices No option to turn off 8Bitdo Mapping Hack. Am I looking in the wrong area? What am I doing wrong here? Thanks for any help...
@o45deuce Please do not post a support request without first reading and following the advice in
Very out of date retropie-setup?
@BuZz sorry I did search, it was late..
Here are the specs of my retro setup
You bought a system with retropie pre-installed ? I am unable to help with that. Selling RetroPie is against the licence of the software.
You need to download and install the official retropie from our site - you should also complain to the seller/amazon - I'm hoping they didn't include games too.
If you didn't and you installed yourself then I need the details mentioned in the read me first post - eg version of retropie you installed etc. Not just the specs of the hardware.
I suspect the version you have is very old and you will need to reinstall a fresh version.
@BuZz so many of these now, I feel bad for the people buying these then getting no help from the seller so they come here. Sadly, they won't get help for that dodgy image off anyone here either.
Sharks, the lot of them, preying on a people's want for retro gaming. Grrrrrr!
yep came with the retropie installed no games though. I will install the version in the link you sent. thanks for your help.
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