I don't see the Colecovision Emulator
Got it. I'm slow, but I see it now. Thanks.
Follow up Colecovision question. I followed the above tip and was able to activate the Colecovision emulator. I loaded a couple roms. It looks like you need a keyboard handy to start the games as the old colecovision controller has a key pad. No problem. My problem is how do I get back out to the RetroPie main menu when the game is over. Looks like I need to go back to the keyboard, but I can't figure out the keystroke(s). I end up having to unplug my unit because the game pad button combo has no affect. Once again, any help is most appreciated.
@rocklima2 the menu has changed for this, and the experimental menu does not show in the list of options. Is there an update on this that tells how to get Colecovision emulator working and showing in Roms folder?
@Eidolon https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/3/read-this-first
And it's in optional packages.
@BuZz the problem is that 'coleco' isn't in the optional list. So what then? It's not in my Rom list either, so I'm not sure what to do. It's also not in experimental packages.
@Eidolon you should get coolcv. Great coleco emulator.
@Eidolon the emulator is called coolcv. See the links @herb_fargus posted.
@BuZz ok thanks.
Thanks for all the quick responses. Works now. I misread and was looking for coleco instead of coolcv.
Supposedly, Final Burn Alpha can emulate a number of home consoles, including the PC Engine, Master System, Megadrive/Genesis and Colecovision. But for whatever reason, retropie is not configured to use FBA with consoles.
@Lyle_JP the libretro core needs to support it.
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