Stephen Selph's Scraper Not Working for TI-99/4A
I'm using Stephen Selph's scraper to scrape my systems, and it's working great except for the TI99. The TI is an 'experimental package'. Is that why it's not being scraped? I've tried selecting only the TI to be scraped, but no luck. Googling around a bit, I see that there should be a TI99 folder with a file named gamelist.xml located at /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ and also at /home/pi/.emulationstation/gamelists/.
Neither of those locations has a TI99 folder on my system. Other than creating those folders and files manually, what can I do?Thanks,
Rich -
@99er it's obscure enough that it isn't supported. Either create them manually or post a topic on sselphs GitHub for inclusion.
You'd have to help provide hashes for games though etc
@herb_fargus said in Stephen Selph's Scraper Not Working for TI-99/4A:
sselphs GitHub
Ah! Ok- that's what I was wondering. I've gone ahead and posted a request to add it on sslephs GitHub (guess I should have started there...). Thanks for the quick response!
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