Retro game stuff talk
@lilbud I have to wonder what the hell they are thinking. They've been around for over 100 years. It's not like they don't understand supply chain management. Do they just hate money?
@obsidianspider It's probably a Wii situation, they didn't think the Switch would be successful with everyone and their mom having a Wii U. The Switch launch is more of a beta test. By this winter, more will have one and there will be games.
But if Nintendo charges us for VC games we already have, their sales will sink faster than the Titanic.
@lilbud said in Retro game stuff talk:
if Nintendo charges us for VC games we already have, their sales will sink faster than the Titanic.
That's been their business model for quite a few years now. I remember when you had to pay for the web browser on the Wii, which was $5, but the smallest wii points gift card I could find was $10, so I bought the browser and Final Fantasy. They then ended up refunding my money for the browser after people complained. I probably still have those unused wii points on my account, but I haven't turned on my Wii since I started using RetroPie.
@obsidianspider said
That's been their business model for quite a few years now.
While it has been their business model, it makes no sense now. Having to pay to convert VC games to Wii U made sense, it was a whole new technology that needed a new emulator. HD support needed to be added, as well as off TV play and new controller support.
But with the Switch It makes no sense, HD support exists. The Switch has no special gimmicks that need to be programmed. I have alot of VC games, the reason I jumped to Retropie was because of not only having to pay for the VC games, but pay to transfer each one, if it was supported. If we have to pay again, that will be 3 payments for 1 rom file. With the money I've pumped into the VC, I could go out, buy the real system and game, and play it that way,
@FlyingTomahawk yes i saw it. :) i think i responed to your second email saying thank you.
@obsidianspider these special edition ones are fake. They are really cool looking though. You should look up the gamecube one. Its pretty cool too. There are a ton of really cool fake designs out there.
@edmaul69 I had to put that site through Google Translate, but the poster was saying that he designed those decals. He's not trying to pass it off as anything other than that. It just looks really well done.
If I found a Switch for sale, I'd consider it, but I'm not hunting one down.
Right now I'm watching the USPS tracking info for my AGB that I bought the other day and am stalking eBay for a decently-priced Pocket.
I think that skin looks great-retro wins all day for me!
I'm considering a Switch for christmas. With a family, evening time with my partner is minimal, and the thing that stopped me getting a console prior was the fact that we only had one TV, so I couldn't make her sit on the sofa whilst I game' away the hours! I have the RPi now for the retro stuff, and it's inexpensive so dipping in and out isn't an issue at that price, but the Switch has really piqued my interest because of it's portability. If the other half has stuff to watch on TV, I can sit on the sofa and carry on playing, enabling me to get stuck in to games, rather than playing one now and again. The price becomes a little more justifiable then...
Anyway, slight thread hijack, back on topic haha!
Man that looks very clean.
It would be a shame to hack it open and modify it.
Unless you have a 100% clean way of doing it. Maybe you could replace the display to a back light type and call it done? -
@FlyingTomahawk it is very clean swapping the screens out.
@obsidianspider i definitely recommend the screen swap. It looks absolutely beautiful. And i like the old gba style far more than the sp. if you do decide to mod it remember to buy the correct cable.
I'd say it's about a 9/10 in terms of clean. It's not perfect, but it's darn close.
To do the AGS-101 mod it requires cutting out part of the case inside and soldering up a power wire. While it'd be internal, you can't undo that.
Factoring in the case and power adapter I essentially got the AGB for nothing, but I don't want to wreck a spotless original example, even to make it better.
Im thinking now that I should find a beat up AGB and backlight it. Dirty but working AGBs go for around $10-$15. Then I'd keep this as an example of how they came from Nintendo.
Parts to do the mod are pretty expensive. The cable itself is $7. Adding the recommended voltage regulator is another $10, and then the expensive part is the AGS-101 screen. A new reproduction one from china is $40-$60. Just for the screen. I'm trolling eBay looking for a beat up AGS-101, but those go for quite a lot too.
Darn you @FlyingTomahawk, I'm turning into a collector.
I just found out about and it's been an excellent resource as I look into some 3DS lots on eBay. If you're looking to buy some games online or at a local shop, it's worth looking them up there first.
@obsidianspider If you need a 3DS XL, I got one with a few games. I also have an old DS (although I can't seem to find it as of now).
@itsnitro I have a bid on one on eBay right now, but if that doesn't work out, I'll let you know. Thanks.
Well that just happened
After costing out the parts and such, this is a bit more than if I'd done it myself, but I don't think I overpaid. Now to wait for it to arrive.
@obsidianspider What you are scrapping a working GBA?
@CodeDrawer It's a GBA with a SP-101 screen in it.
I was looking at making an AGB-101 myself by buying a junk AGB, plus a new case, plus a screen, plus the required ribbon cable. This is only slightly more than the parts alone would have cost.
Sorry, I don't know the acronyms, just the names for the screen?
@CodeDrawer Gameboys all have a model number (it's on the back on a sticker.) So, a "regular" Gameboy Advance is model number AGB-001. A "regular" front-lit Gameboy Advance SP is model number AGS-001, and a backlit Gameboy Advance SP is model number AGS-101. When people mod a "regular" Gameboy Advance with a backlit screen from a Gameboy Advance SP, people call it an AGB-101.
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