Neither ROMS nor Retroarch Config Load
I have a Pitendo (retropie running retroarch) and I've been fussing around with the config files for a few days to try and get everything working. I have only the dimmest understanding of exactly what I'm doing but I understand generally that Retroarch.cfg (in /all) sets things up, and then some of the cores have their own copies that they read or do not read instead of the main one, apparently using voodoo. I change the files by plugging the Pi directly into the ethernet and then accessing the config files from a windows machine, and editing them manually using notepad. I got the things working I needed to work, and I changed my SNES core to Snes9x_next, and then booted it up.
The SNES roms ran just fine, but the controller was not working. Fine, I thought, I'll just go into the config file for the SNES and make sure it's either looking at the retroarch.cfg file in /all, or at least has the same controller buttons set up. I did the latter, and turned the Pi back on. No dice; the controller still didn't work. Fine, I though. I used a keyboard to exit the ROM.
Then, everything died.
From this point onwards, not a single ROM on any system would load. I went into the Retroarch config menu - and THAT would not load! The only software that loads at all are those that "look like" old school DOS applications. Ya'know, the ones that have text-based menus only. Not the pretty retroarch ones. I went back into the config files and everything looks A-OK... but I still can't load ANYTHING.
I'm wondering if anyone can tell me:
- How do I find error logs? When I go into the Pi from my computer, I see no directory that holds these. Is it on the RAM instead of the SD card? How do I access that?
- What should I be looking for? What kind of error would result in literally nothing loading anymore?
Any help appreciated!
The partition you can see when you put the card in your computer contains only the boot folder, the rest of the os cannot be read by Windows.
Please do not post a support request without first reading and following the advice in . Specifically you need to complete the list of questions.
I'll do my best, but the problem is some of these questions ask me things I do not know or do not know where to find easily.
i Model or other hardware: (B, B+, 2 B, 3, X86 PC etc..) Pitendo
Power Supply used: (If using a Pi) 5 volt micro USB power supply that the system came with. I briefly plugged it in with a 5 volt 1600 mA supply around the time the problems started, too. However, upon researching, lots of amps doesn't seem to be a problem-causing thing for a Pi.
RetroPie Version Used (eg 3.6, 3.8.1, 4.1 - do not write latest): 4.0, I think. Still has SNES_Next, and received it as a gift for Xmas 2016.
Built From: Pitendo (see
USB Devices connected: 2 USB SNES controllers, one Dell keyboard
Controller used: 2 USB SNES controllers
Error messages received: None that I can see - just wont load
Log found in /dev/shm/runcommand.log (if relevant): I don't know how to find this, which is part of the problem.
Guide used: (Mention if you followed a guide) Just modified cfg files based on assorted sources online telling me what they are.
File: (File with issue - with FULL path) All ROMs and the retroarch configuration software (the one that you access on the pi itself from the config screen, lets you set up controllers, etc) all have the same problem.
Emulator: (Name of emulator - if applicable) All emulators have the problem.
Attachment of config files: (PLEASE USE PASTEBIN.COM FOR LARGE LOGS) I dont know which config files you need.
How to replicate the problem: No idea. -
Make sure you are using an official image, or have done a manual install yourself. We will not support 3rd party images.
We don't support 3rd party images. You will need to install the image from our site.
That's fair, but that seems like taking a chainsaw to do surgery. Surely there's only so many things that could have caused this specific problem - spontaneous inability to load ANYTHING, even the Retroarch config...? Is it a question that just can't be investigated at all without knowing the image installed, or is there a list of things I can learn about / look at that could cause such a system-wide failure?
For starters, I'm not sure how to access the other partitions on the SD card to see the error message; take it out of the Pitendo and attach it as a drive to my computer, perhaps?
EDIT: Another thought; does Snes_Next create a bunch of files and gobble up space? it is possible that it maxed out the memory on the SD card just by being activated? I know it creates config files, but they're tiny...
I know it seems extreme. The problem is that premade images contain a number of changes, none of which any of us can know. Given that we cannot see your Pi and don't I know the history of the installation, the only way we can really support you is by starting from a known state.
Additionally, any premade image that has been sold is being sold illegally as it is in breach of many software licenses and damages the entire Retropie project.
@MaximumCDawg 1600 mA is not lots of Amps. It's 1.6 Amps. You need a power supply that gives 5 Volts at 2500 mA (2.5A). Start by getting a power supply that works. These assholes are charging 100 bucks for about 45 bucks worth of kit (excluding the case). I know you got yours as a gift but...
Well, here's what I'll do.
I'm going to try and fuss with the existing build for a bit, and if I can't fix it, I will get a larger SD card (not enough room on 8gb anyway) and use that for a fresh install of retropie from your supported builds. I assume that Retropie doesn't care how many gigs of storage I give it, does it? There's not like a 32 bit / 64 bit -style limitation on how big the SD card can be, is there?
At which point, i will probably be back asking a million and a half questions about how to set that up!
EDIT: I dunno if this helps anyone, but I've discovered that this problem is isolated to only Retroarch itself and it's Liberato-based emulators. Non-liberatro based emulators work fine, but the retroarch config or any lr- emulators crash on startup with no error message.
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