Went to make a backup with Windisk 32 Imager, now my sound doesn't work. Suggestions?
@TMNTturtlguy Is there an easy way to redo game list names? The scraper added all these words again like (world version) blah blah which I hate.
Can this be done from ur computer while logged into your arcade?
@ChristianG Replying to both posts at one time!
Post 1 regarding changing the theme - there is not way that scraping modified the theme, my guess is that the new data that was scraped is larger than the text box size for each description, so what it is doing is "returning" and creating a second line of text, thus moving the data from where you had it. Another suggestion is to keep a copy of the theme on your computer hard drive. That way if anything happens to your pi or sd card you can always reload it from your computer.
Post 2 regarding editing gamelists - you can edit these using WinSCP and notepad ++. Use winSCP to browse to your gamelist. They will either be located in /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/arcade (or the name of each system) or they will be located in /home/pi/.emulationstation/
Find where the gamelists are at, the file is named gamelist.xml right click on the .xml file and chose open with and select Notepad ++. If this doesn't work, set notepad++ as your default .txt file program and then simply right click on the gamelist.xml and chose open.
The alternate method is to copy the gamelist.xml file from WinSCP onto your desktop. Then use Notepad ++ from your desktop and work on it there. When you are done, upload the gamelist.xml from your computer back onto the pi. Be sure you put it back in the exact location.
Let me know if this makes sense. Good luck!
@TMNTturtlguyThanks for the instructions. Everything worked as noted. I just have to take time now and go into every game and redo the name. I had just adjusted all of this eliminating all of the (world editions) etc etc from the names. I forgot that when I scraped again it would replace all of my work. Ugh. The only difference I see is that the Steven Sylph scraper removed all of the ratings. So the small explosions are now blank for all.
@ChristianG that sucks you lost that work. Glad you have the manual editing figured out. I always save my gamelist to my computer in case something like that happens.
If you are using notepad ++ you can use the find tool to find all instances of (world) and delete them. You could do this for a lot of the repetitive stuff and save a lot of time.
As for ratings. Those are arbitrary anyways....I like to use the metadata editor is ES from the start menu and adjust each games rating the way I feel they should be rated. You could also do his manually in the gamelist.
I have spent hundreds of hours on my gamelists and I am doing it again changing all my boxart to 2D and adding wheel art to all my systems for use with my special edition theme. Always something new to waste time on!
@TMNTturtlguy Yeah wheel are seems cool. I guess I will figure this all out next. I still haven't gotten to video previews yet. So I still have a long way to go. Do you feel wheel art is the way to go?
@ChristianG wheel art is personal preference. Instead of seeing the arcade logo above the image and next to the donkey king rip, you will see a logo for each game. I like it, but it is a personal preference and a lot of work as you can't really scrape for them.
@TMNTturtlguy Very cool. I guess Ill do the video previews first. This seems like something good to figure out how to do.
@tmntturtlguy What file should I look for in your theme to change each game's rating? I was trying to figure this out myself to no avail.
@christiang the ratings are in your gamlist, not within the theme.
@tmntturtlguy Is there an easy way to default to a photo of the game if the video preview is not available? Lets say in the snes folder? Also what resources do you use to get game videos?
Chris -
@christiang the theme is set to default to the scraped image if no video is available.
I use screenscraper.fr and emumovies.com
@tmntturtlguy Ok cool. I am finding the games without videos just showing blank. I imported a game list with the videos and box art to stick in each rom category folder. So in snes I put a boxart, cartart, flyer, marquee, snap and wheel folder with the related documents in them. Is it the gamelist that I put in the snes folder that is directing Emulation station on what to show or is it a file in your theme I have to adjust to not show blanks. For whatever reason I am not able to figure out what to do here because the theme isn't defaulting to scraped image if no video is available.
Thanks for the advice once again.
@tmntturtlguy I think I need to just spend some time looking through the game list file. I can see why it takes a long time to setup a machine now!
@christiang in your gamelist you have to add the correct path to each image and each video. You can't just put images in folders, they won't work.
Right now you can only have one image, one video, and one marquee, so not all your graphics in the folders will show. You can path the <image> tag to a screen shot or boxart, path the <video> to the snap folder and the <marquee> to wheel art. Each game in your list has to have the exact path and exact file name for the image you want to show.
@tmntturtlguy What are Hyperspin rom naming conventions. I downloaded all of the data from ETA Primes link ( video previews and associated game lists) for a bunch of systems. . So it all works but i guess my names are scraped with different rom naming so I have to physically edit a lot of the rom names to match the videos. Is there a way I can scrape everything so it has Hyperspin naming for the roms and everything matches up without all this editing?
@tmntturtlguy Ok i am reading on this now. More stuff to learn :)
@christiang There are scripts and settings and ways to do it, and it depends on how many games you have. I don't have a ton of games, I do not see the sense in having a bunch of games i will never play, but that said i still have maybe 350 or 400 total games on about 16 systems. I have found that I spend more time trying to get scripts or batch rename or other things to work than just being board and modifying them manually. I usually create 2 windows on my desktop and just double click, ctrl C and then go to the other window, double click and ctrl v to rename the gamelist to match my rom name, or my art name. It is not fun, but it is accurate and gets the job done.
@tmntturtlguy Thats so funny man. I think everyone arrives at that too. I was sitting up till 1 am last night with two windows open changing file names.
Here is a quick question if you know it.
Which gamelist does emulation station default to. I am finding initially before adding the videos and new gamelist, it was defaulting to a gamelist in /home/pi/.emulationstation/gamelists/snes etc.
Then I put a snap folder with the videos and the gamelist associated with it directly in the snes rom folder. Now that gamelist takes precedent. Is this normal or am i getting this understanding all wrong.
@christiang if the folder is located in the same folder as the roms, I believe that is the file that is used by ES. You can have the list in either location, but I recommend you only have it in one spot. I keep my lists with my Roms and I run my roms off of a USB, so that is my preference.
@tmntturtlguy Very cool. I didnt realize until now u can just scrape the videos and roms together with Steven Selph's Scraper. This seems pretty fool proof and simple. I am going to give it a try today. I was just scraping the roms before. Just saw the video option.
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