@Romstar An update on this the game is working / Marbles are rolling as it should!!! FIXED that with physically swapping the GreenX1 & Yellow X2 respectively for both players on the Ultimarc Opti-Pac. However the Opti-Pac Designed from ultimarc doesn't work with their software so I can't reflash the inputs that aren't being utilized. On the bottom of the Opti-Pac is "Left" & "Right" buttons / or rather left click right click on a mouse... which is fine, but NO INPUTS for Coin ! This is how I have it wired in case any one else is using the same setup:

5v - RED
Ground - BLACK

Blue trackball even though considered player one on the left (*Intentionally goes to the P2 side of the Opti-PAC)

P2 X1 - Yellow
P2 X2 - Green
P2 Y1 - Blue
P2 Y2 - Purple

Red trackball (*Intentionally goes to the P1 side of the Opti-PAC)

P1 X1 - Yellow
P1 X2 - Green
P1 Y1 - Blue
P1 Y2 - Purple

Left P1 - Player 1 Start
Right P2 - Player 2 Start

(*also to note the original Marble Madness control panel the notches in the trackball face the bend / curve towards the front of the player, where as the flat end underneath on the trackballs face going away / the monitor.)

Still no way to hook up 5 "coin" as of now ... In theory I can daisy chain it to a start button but that would be on FREE-Play which I don't want. So CLOSE to getting this the way I need it to be!