@mitu off... then you see how long I did not update my builds. I'm stuck on RP 4.3 but I think it was build from a 4.0 or 4.1 image. I've tried tons of different images the last days... I lost track ;) But I come to the conclusion that RetroPie + Raspberry is the most solid (SBC) platform.
The XU4 Odroids also make lot's of fun but lack a bit of support so the ORA-build is imho the best thing you can get for this.

#!/bin/sh wlanstat=$(rfkill list wlan | grep -c ": no") if [ $wlanstat -lt 2 ]; then echo "I will activate/unblock wifi adapters" sleep 5 sudo rfkill unblock wifi else echo "I will deavtivate/block wifi adapters" sleep 5 sudo rfkill block wifi fi