• Fujitsu FM Towns (Marty?)

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    @dmmarti Hi, I installed lr-mess-fmtowns. I have the chd of TDF Kaiju Daikussen and Bubble Bobble for FMTOWNS. Those i put in the roms/fmtowns dir. I put the fmtowns bios files in the general bios dir and bios/mame as well. ziipped and unzipped. I have tried to run both chd files and it kicks me back out to the main ES menu. Should i try other things?

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    78 Posts

    @Folly Heh. Yes. I'm guilty of being old. I was way better with all this just 7 years ago. Anyway thank you so much once more for your help!!! I'll be using this right away!

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    I solved this in the end by downloading the neokobe collection (all 90gb for the SECOND TIME) and making CHD's with an old version of Chdman.

    Nostre, how are you launching thegames? I have a 'proper' chd with the disk name 'Galaxy Force II" and then one dummy chd with the name of the entry in fmtowns_cd.xml - something like gforce2. All games will launch from the dummy chd. Now i've successfully rebuilt mess i'm not sure the check sums need to match.

    So far i've found:

    Galaxy force and Genocide, pu-ra-li-ra panic bomber man and Afterburner 3 are both extremely playable with decent sound

    4d sports, Chase HQ, Turbo Outrun and Flashback play but with compromised sound.

    Its a shame Unz is closed source.