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    2 Posts

    @retrotarta I'm replying myself to say that lr-snes9x is apparently working reasonably well.

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    30 Posts

    @lektroid said in Some my emulators are slow / glitchy audio:


    All sorted, the emulator is working perfectly. Thanks for all your help, and thanks also for putting up with my incompetence.

    A huge thanks from both my wife and myself. We are both delighted!

    Hi. I'm popping in late on this one but I wanted to point something else out to you while you travel down the Retropie path. Unlike other single source software that is written by one person and constantly updated by the same... Think or Retropie as a huge umbrella that a ton of individuals came together under to get all these emulators to work with each other.

    Many of the emulators have been tweaked to specifically work in the Retropie world, so it will pay you back 10 fold to start to become familiar with some Linux commands and how it works. Don't have to be an expert, but as you add emulators and what they need to work, it will help a lot.

    Download Putty and if you are using a PC WinSCP. They are for getting straight in to the PIs file system and working with it. You can use a Mac, but again, it's not always the same as just using mac files. Linux requires permissions to be changed on folders, files..etc.

    Also... Commodore 64... If you are using Vice, there is a great video on youtube by a guy named ETAPrime who shows you how to configure the buttons to work the emulator. There is also lr-vice you can download sperately that will pickup the standard Retroarch joystick button commands.

    Either way you'll need to read and research many of the emulators as you add them. Many need special configurations to use properly. Take one at a time. I have 43 systems running on mine. Took me almost a year to get them all working correctly...or as best that I could.

    Good luck, come back often to ask questions. You're only 'incompetent' because you don't have knowledge. Knowledge is all about effort. Max effort = max knowledge.