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    This is a real shame. Hacking is healthy for the game community. It shows developers what can be done with their own technology. It was like when the original xbox came out and people were running kodi on it (xbmc back then), microsoft were like "wow, that's really cool, maybe we should build a media centre", and they did. But the trouble with that is that it becomes a victim of it's own success, and without big names behind it kodi is in trouble, just as emulation is in trouble.

  • Rasberry Pi + RetroPie being sold for £99.99

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    @KeepItFree it's not even about getting a cut. It's a matter of principle. The licences forbid any commercial use- so even we cannot and will not sell retropie.

    There will always be another greedy dirtbag. Best we can do is just educate the ignorant public that they are paying for a free product