@mitu It's working perfectly with box86-0.2.2.

Here is my script that runs UT2004 natively at full speed on Piboy XRS through EmulationStation with mapped controls. We must go into the UT System folder before launching ut2004.bin to avoid "MissingIni" error.

if pgrep xboxdrv; then sudo killall -s SIGKILL xboxdrv > /dev/null; fi cd sudo /opt/retropie/supplementary/xboxdrv/bin/xboxdrv \ --detach-kernel-driver \ --config /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/PiboyXRS_unreal_xboxdrv.cfg > /dev/null \ & cd cd '/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/UT2004/System/' xinit /home/pi/box86-0.2.2/build/box86 'ut2004-bin' > /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 1 sudo killall -s SIGKILL xboxdrv > /dev/null

The PiboyXRS_unreal_xboxdrv.cfg file :
(Should be working with any gamepad with adjustments)

[xboxdrv] evdev=/dev/input/event0 dpad-as-button=true trigger-as-button=true silent=true deadzone=5000 [evdev-absmap] ABS_X=X1 ABS_Y=Y1 ABS_RX=x2 ABS_RY=y2 [ui-axismap] x1=KEY_Q:KEY_D y1=KEY_S:KEY_Z x2=REL_X:5 y2=REL_Y:-3 [evdev-keymap] BTN_SOUTH=b BTN_EAST=a # BTN_C=tr BTN_NORTH=y BTN_WEST=x # BTN_Z=tl BTN_START=guide BTN_SELECT=start BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY4=dd BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY3=du BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY1=dl BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY2=dr BTN_TR=rb BTN_TL=lb BTN_TR2=rt BTN_TL2=lt BTN_THUMBL=tl BTN_THUMBR=tr [ui-buttonmap] du=KEY_UP dd=KEY_DOWN dl=KEY_LEFT dr=KEY_RIGHT rt=BTN_LEFT lt=BTN_RIGHT tr=KEY_T tl=KEY_R x=KEY_A b=KEY_SPACE y=KEY_1 a=KEY_ENTER lb=KEY_F1 rb=BTN_RIGHT guide=KEY_M start=KEY_ESC

You can adjust some keys in UT controls parameters in game instead modify this .cfg that can be used for ohters FPS games.

Thanks for your help.