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    @sleve_mcdichael Ah, I uninstalled and re-installed from binary. That did the trick. I must have gummed something up while rebuilding this pi.

  • Suggestions for ports #4

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    there are a few that are marked as doesn't work that might. i cant test them since my job has anything game related blocked. So that's why they don't have a check mark.

    if they work for you please let me know.

    after more testings i will go back and see about doing a recheck on my Pi4 and then work on getting the ones that don't work on the Pi5 working. if possible

    [5] [B] - 0ad - a real-time strategy game
    [5] [B] - 2s2h - 2ship2harkinian is an advanced source port for The Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask
    [5] [B] - abuse - dark side scroller shooter
    [5] [B] - adom - Ancient Domains of Mystery - a free roguelike by Thomas Biskup
    [5] [B] - augustus - Enhanced Caesar III source port
    [4] [ ] - avp - Aliens versus Predator cant find SDL file
    [5] [B] - barrage - Shooting Range action game
    [5] [B] - bermudasyndrome - Bermuda Syndrome - Open Source Engine
    [5] [B] - berusky - Advanced sokoban clone with nice graphics
    [5] [B] - bloboats -
    [5] [B] - boswars - Battle of Survival - is a futuristic real-time strategy game
    [5] [B] - breaker - Arkanoid Clone
    [5] [B] - bstone - a source port of Blake Stone
    [5] [B] - burgerspace - BurgerTime clone
    [4] [ ] - captain - Captain 'S' The Remake
    [5] [B] - chocolate-doom - Enhanced port of the official DOOM source
    [5] [B] - chocolate-doom-system - Enhanced port of the official DOOM source system
    [5] [B] - chopper258 - Chopper Commando Revisited
    [4] [B] - corsixth - Theme Hospital Engine
    [5] [B] - crack-attack - Tetris Attack clone
    [5] [B] - crispy-doom - Enhanced port of the official DOOM source
    [5] [B] - crispy-doom-system - Enhanced port of the official DOOM source system
    [5] [B] - cytadela - a conversion of an Amiga first person shooter
    [4] [ ] - devilutionx - Diablo Engine
    [5] [B] - devilutionx-5 - Diablo Engine Pi5 verison
    [5] [B] - dhewm3 - Doom 3 port
    [4] [ ] - diablo2 - Diablo 2 through wine
    [5] [B] - dink - Dink Smallwood Engine as system
    [ ] [ ] - dosbox-x - Testing of a new DOSbox system
    [5] [B] - dunelegacy - Dune 2 Building of a Dynasty port
    [ ] [ ] - easyrpg-player - RPG Maker 2000/2003 - EasyRPG Player Interpreter
    [5] [B] - ecwolf - advanced source port for Wolfenstein 3D
    [5] [B] - ecwolf-mods - advanced source port for Wolfenstein 3D with mod support
    [5] [B] - eternity - Enhanced port of the official DOOM source
    [5] [B] - eternity-system - Enhanced port of the official DOOM source system
    [5] [B] - extremetuxracer - Linux verion of Mario cart
    [5] [B] - fallout1 - Fallout Community Edition
    [5] [B] - fallout2 - Fallout 2 Community Edition
    [ ] [ ] - fhero2 - Heroes of Might and Magic II
    [5] [B] - freeciv - Open Source empire-building strategy game
    [5] [B] - freedink - Dink Smallwood Engine in ports
    [5] [B] - freesynd - Syndicate Engine
    [ ] [ ] - fruity - inspired by the Kaiko classic GemX
    [5] [B] - fs2open - Origin Repository for FreeSpace 2
    [5] [B] - galius - Maze of Galius
    [5] [B] - gmloader - play GameMaker Studio games for Android on non-Android operating systems
    [5] [B] - gnukem - Duke Nukem 1 look-a-like
    [5] [B] - gtkboard - Board games system
    [5] [B] - gzdoom-system - GZDoom as a system
    [ ] [ ] - hcl - a Metroidvania game
    [5] [B] - heboris - Tetris The Grand Master Clone
    [5] [B] - hexen2 - Hammer of Thyrion source port Non-OpenGL
    [5] [B] - hexen2gl - Hammer of Thyrion source port OpenGL
    [5] [B] - hheretic - Heretic GL port
    [5] [B] - hhexen - Hexen GL port
    [4] [ ] - hurrican - Turrican clone
    [ ] [ ] - ikemen-go - Clone of M.U.G.E.N
    [5] [B] - ja2-stracciatella - Jagged Alliance 2
    [5] [B] - jfsw - Shadow Warrior source port
    [5] [B] - julius - Caesar III source port
    [5] [B] - kraptor - Shoot em up scroller game
    [5] [B] - lbreakout2 - Open Source Breakout game
    [5] [B] - lgeneral - Open Source strategy game
    [5] [B] - lmarbles - Open Source Atomix game
    [5] [B] - ltris - Open Source Tetris game
    [5] [B] - manaplus - 2D MMORPG Client
    [5] [B] - meritous - port of an action-adventure dungeon crawl game
    [5] [B] - nblood - Blood source port
    [ ] [ ] - nkaruga - Ikaruga demake
    [5] [B] - nxengine-evo - Cave Story engine clone
    [5] [B] - openclaw - Reimplementation of Captain Claw cant find a SDL file
    [ ] [ ] - opendune - Dune 2 port using the OpenRA engine
    [ ] [ ] - openjazz - An enhanced Jazz Jackrabbit source port
    [ ] [ ] - openjk_ja - OpenJK: JediAcademy (SP + MP)
    [ ] [ ] - openjk_jo - OpenJK: Jedi Outcast (SP)
    [ ] [ ] - openjkdf2 - reimplementation of Dark Forces 2
    [ ] [ ] - openlara - Source port of Tomb Raider 1
    [ ] [ ] - openmw - Morrowind source port
    [ ] [ ] - openra -- Real Time Strategy game engine supporting early Westwood classics
    [ ] [ ] - openrct2 - RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 port
    [5] [B] - pcexhumed - Powerslave source port
    [5] [B] - piegalaxy - Download and install GOG.com
    [5] [B] - pingus - Open source Lemmings clone
    [5] [B] - pokerth - open source online poker
    [5] [B] - prboom-plus - Enhanced PRBoom Port
    [5] [B] - prboom-plus-system - Enhanced PRBoom Port system
    [ ] [ ] - prototype - an R-Type remake
    [ ] [ ] - pydance - Open Source Dancing Game
    [5] [B] - quakespasm - Another enhanced engine for quake
    [5] [B] - rawgl - Another World Engine
    [5] [B] - rednukem - Redneck Rampage source port
    [ ] [ ] - relive - Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee and Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus
    [5] [B] - reminiscence - Flashback Engine
    [5] [B] - revolt - a radio control car racing
    [ ] [ ] - rickyd - Port of Rick Dangerous
    [5] [B] - rigelengine - Duke Nukem 2 source port
    [ ] [ ] - rocksndiamonds - Emerald Mine Clone
    [5] [B] - rott-darkwar - Rise of the Triad - Dark War
    [5] [B] - rott-huntbgin - Rise of the Triad - The Hunt Begins (Shareware)
    [ ] [ ] - rtcw - IORTCW source port of Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
    [ ] [ ] - samtfe - Serious Sam Classic The First Encounter
    [ ] [ ] - samtse - Serious Sam Classic The Second Encounter
    [5] [B] - dl-bomber - Atomic Bomberman Clone
    [5] [B] - seahorse a side scrolling platform game starts but no control
    [ ] [ ] - septerra - Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator port
    [5] [B] - shiromino - Tetris The Grand Master Clone
    [ ] [ ] - shockolate - Source port of System Shock
    [5] [B] - simutrans - freeware and open-source transportation simulator
    [ ] [ ] - sm64ex - Super Mario 64 PC Port (Pi 4 only)
    [5] [B] - soh - source port for The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time
    [ ] [ ] - sorr - BennuGD interpreter for Streets of Rage Remake
    [ ] [ ] - sorrv2 - BennuGD interpreter for Streets of Rage Remake
    [ ] [ ] - sqrxz2 - Two seconds until death by Retroguru
    [ ] [ ] - sqrxz3 - Two seconds until death by Retroguru
    [ ] [ ] - sqrxz4 - Two seconds until death by Retroguru
    [ ] [ ] - srb2kart Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart
    [ ] [ ] - starcraft - Starcraft
    [ ] [ ] - supaplex Reverse engineering Supaplex
    [5] [B] - supertuxkart - a free kart-racing game
    [ ] [ ] - temptations - enhanced version of the MXS game
    [ ] [ ] - ut - Needs - Unreal Tournament file link fix
    [5] [B] - vanillacc - Vanilla-Command and Conquer
    [ ] [ ] - vcmi - Open-source engine for Heroes of Might and Magic III
    [5] [B] - warmux - Worms Clone
    [5] [B] - wesnoth - turn-based strategy game
    [ ] [ ] - wine - Wine Is Not an Emulator
    [ ] [ ] - xash3d-fwgs - Half-Life Engine Port
    [ ] [ ] - xump - The Final Run
    [ ] [ ] - zeldansq - Zelda Navi's Quest fangame

  • How to exit my own Godot ports?

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    @el_pablo said in How to exit my own Godot ports?:

    @mitu ok, so if I understand correctly even SNES games had their START + SELECT to exit? Or it's implemented into the emulator?

    It's the emulator.

  • 0 Votes
    11 Posts

    @mitu Thanks for digging this up. I will remember it when I am about to fix this.

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  • Unreal Tournament 2004

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    @mitu It's working perfectly with box86-0.2.2.

    Here is my script that runs UT2004 natively at full speed on Piboy XRS through EmulationStation with mapped controls. We must go into the UT System folder before launching ut2004.bin to avoid "MissingIni" error.

    if pgrep xboxdrv; then sudo killall -s SIGKILL xboxdrv > /dev/null; fi cd sudo /opt/retropie/supplementary/xboxdrv/bin/xboxdrv \ --detach-kernel-driver \ --config /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/PiboyXRS_unreal_xboxdrv.cfg > /dev/null \ & cd cd '/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/UT2004/System/' xinit /home/pi/box86-0.2.2/build/box86 'ut2004-bin' > /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 1 sudo killall -s SIGKILL xboxdrv > /dev/null

    The PiboyXRS_unreal_xboxdrv.cfg file :
    (Should be working with any gamepad with adjustments)

    [xboxdrv] evdev=/dev/input/event0 dpad-as-button=true trigger-as-button=true silent=true deadzone=5000 [evdev-absmap] ABS_X=X1 ABS_Y=Y1 ABS_RX=x2 ABS_RY=y2 [ui-axismap] x1=KEY_Q:KEY_D y1=KEY_S:KEY_Z x2=REL_X:5 y2=REL_Y:-3 [evdev-keymap] BTN_SOUTH=b BTN_EAST=a # BTN_C=tr BTN_NORTH=y BTN_WEST=x # BTN_Z=tl BTN_START=guide BTN_SELECT=start BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY4=dd BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY3=du BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY1=dl BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY2=dr BTN_TR=rb BTN_TL=lb BTN_TR2=rt BTN_TL2=lt BTN_THUMBL=tl BTN_THUMBR=tr [ui-buttonmap] du=KEY_UP dd=KEY_DOWN dl=KEY_LEFT dr=KEY_RIGHT rt=BTN_LEFT lt=BTN_RIGHT tr=KEY_T tl=KEY_R x=KEY_A b=KEY_SPACE y=KEY_1 a=KEY_ENTER lb=KEY_F1 rb=BTN_RIGHT guide=KEY_M start=KEY_ESC

    You can adjust some keys in UT controls parameters in game instead modify this .cfg that can be used for ohters FPS games.

    Thanks for your help.

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    @Nash does xboxdrv have hotkeys, turbo, and toggle settings like antimicrox?

    Made a post here: https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/35784/does-xboxdrv-have-hotkeys-turbo-and-toggle-settings-like-antimicrox

  • Xboxdrv or XINIT problem

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    I see in process list "dbus-daemon" that probably launched by xinit. When controls fails at the first launch, this process is after the game process in the list. When controls are ok during next launches, this process is before. It looks like the game need this process before.

    Is there a way to delay the launch of the game started by xinit command ?

    xinit '/home/pi/box86/build/box86' '/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/ut99/System/ut-bin-x86'
  • 2 Votes
    151 Posts

    Here is another suggestion to help speed up AetherSX2 that I discovered today:

  • 0 Votes
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    @mitu Not yet, let me try that out when I get the chance soon.

  • 0 Votes
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    @jetcold0 I haven't see something about this project, it looks that they are offering openmohaa-v0.61.0-linux-armhf.zip . Maybe it is possible to run this in a Pi but i don't know how.

  • Ports disappear with USB stick

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    Yeah I think this is it. Thanks for the help.

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    @fadingrose said in How to add a custom port (Emby Theatre):

    BTW if i pop into /opt/retropie/configs/ports/emby-theater/emulators.cfg there isn't any emby files in this on either the pi or laptop?

    Right, so nothing that says runcommand in it is going to work.

    The first step is going to be to get it running, on your Pi4, with something typed in from the command-line. Does that work?

    To start emby theatre from the command line i just typed emby-theatre on the laptop and it loads.

    How about on your Pi4, does it work the same, there?

    I wanted to test emby-theater running in Retropi on my laptop first and then mirror the results on my actual Pi4 running Retropi once i know it worked

    Solid plan.

    so i created the emby-theater.sh file in /RetroPie/roms/ports on the laptop and included the following in the file which i copied from the Kodi.sh file.

    #!/bin/bash "/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh" 0 _PORT_ "emby-theater" ""

    This then threw the error "no config found for system emby-theater" when i tried loading it in retropie,

    Right, because runcommand is set up for kodi but not for emby.

    I then updated the emby-theater.sh file and replace the above with the following.

    #!/bin/bash "/usr/bin/emby-theater"

    When i then booted retropi on the laptop and tried booting emby-theater it booted but has a long line at the bottom of the screen like in the photo.

    Okay so at least it starts...

    I then have to open a terminal on my second screen and xkill to get out of emby/retropie.

    ...doesn't sound like it works properly, though. And you don't have this same problem, when starting it from console?

    Anyway i then moved onto the Raspberry pi 4 with Retropie installed and did the following


    tried booting emby-theater and was greeted with

    Line 2: 1175 Segmentation fault /usr/bin/emby-theater

    And this is how far i have gotten at the moment?

    That "Segmentation fault" indicates that the script itself works, (inasmuch as it's getting run, anyway), just the program doesn't. So, we are back at the start. Can you launch it from console on the RPi4 with either emby-theater or /usr/bin/emby-theater, or anything else?

  • 0 Votes
    7 Posts

    @ExarKunIv I attempted this unsuccessfully but will give it another shot.

    The configs in openbor are not user readable / not in any way like a retroarch.cfg.

    And like I referenced above, my openbor saves are for some reason saving to: /opt/retropie/configs/all/emulationstation/Saves

  • 0 Votes
    16 Posts

    You should change the Audio Device in EmulationStation's settings to one of the entries listed by aplay. If you the option doesn't show up in the menu, then edit es_settings directly and fill in the AudioDevice there.

    front:CARD=Audio, DEV=0
    USB Audio, USB Audio
    Front Speakers

    surround21:CARD=Audio, DEV=0
    USB Audio, USB Audio
    2.1 Surround output to Front and Subwoofer speakers

    surround40:CARD=Audio, DEV=0
    USB Audio, USB Audio
    4.0 Surround output to Front and Rear speakers

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @faided said in Baldur's Gate 1 & 2, Icewind 1 & 2, Planescape Port Walkthrough:

    ... Baldur (yes, both) ...

    You'll get much farther ahead in life if you turn off "hide extensions for known file types" now, rather than later.

  • 0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @TheAutisticGamer said in Run Games that require a Desktop for SDL:

    EDIT. Is this how its suppost to be done in emulators.cfg?
    sonic3air = "XINIT:/home/pi/RetroPie/ports/sonic3air.sh"
    ports_sonic3air = "sonic3air"

    No, it should be

    sonic3air = "XINIT:/path/to/launch/script/or/program" default = "sonic3air"

    I don't think your game is installed as a port - you should have the emulators.cfg in /opt/retropie/configs/ports/sonic3air and the /home/pi/RetroPie/ports/sonic3air.sh should contain:

    "/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh" 0 _PORT_ "sonic3air"
  • 0 Votes
    5 Posts

    You could install a port from the setup script and it’ll create one for you at /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports. I would assume you could just create your own folder there but not sure if there’s anything else that would need to be created for it work? Installing from the script would make sure everything was made and you could always delete the other game after the folder was made.

  • 0 Votes
    24 Posts

    @TCM said in How can I add a game to Emulationstation?:

    So I can only play the game from Raspbian/Raspberry OS and not through Retropie OS?

    Using flatpak, yes. But since flatpak is just a runtime container, the game doesn't depend on it and there should be a method to install it natively on RaspiOS without the need for flatpak.