I'm back my friends............ I thought it was right to change the thread title.
Now this thread contain a lot of usefull information can be shared to anywant try to add some Hypseus/Daphne games on your Retropie Setup.
Exactly how i have do whit my lol :)
About recent news........ Dragon's Lair 2 and Space Ace now can be played correctly on my Intel NUC Retropie setup.
About 'lair2' i have also add a movie/audio whit better quality........ and also for lair2 i have add a lair2.commands contain:
-x 1920 -y 1080Now i can play at "Full HD" dragon lair 2 - time warp on my Full HD TV...... lol.
Now i have need one suggestion....... about space ace 'ENHANCEMENT' rom.
My principal question it's...... how i can know what exact .m2v and .ogg files need ??
Another question it's......... about subfolder need to create in roms i can use every subfolder i want or every games need a specific folder name ??
For example:
Dragon's Lair 2 currently i use 'lair2.daphne' and 'lair2.zip' for roms
Space Ace i use ace.zip for roms (that contain the A3 roms) and 'ace.daphne'
But for example...... if i want to add space ace enhacement what folder i need to use ?
It's exist a hypseus .DAT for know if i have or know all files need to have to play a games ?