es_input.cfg key ID values
Does anyone know the ID values?
@GeekDad66 you can run "evtest" you need to use an ssh like putty and type in: apt-get install evtest
I am on my phone now but I think there are some videos on YouTube.
@TMNTturtlguy Thanks for the reply. Just in case others are following, the command must be prefaced with sudo:
sudo apt-get install evtest
This does essentially what I was hoping but still does not relate back the values in the es_input.cfg file. For instance evtest returns
Event: time 1494376356.898155, type 1 (EV_KEY), code 29 (KEY_LEFTCTRL), value 1
Event: time 1494376356.898155, -------------- EV_SYN ------------
Event: time 1494376357.019807, type 1 (EV_KEY), code 29 (KEY_LEFTCTRL), value 0yet the es_input.cfg has an entry like:
<input name="a" type="key" id="1073742048" value="1" />
I was hoping to relate "1073742048" to a GPIO pin or pin combo.
@GeekDad66 can't you figure that out by looking at your wiring? If you hit a button, it gives you the id and input number, look at how you have it wired and write it all down?
How do I equate something like:
(EV_KEY), code 29 (KEY_LEFTCTRL)
@GeekDad66 since i don't know your controller or what exactly you did it appears that you had pushed 1 button in the event code above. you pushed a button that it is recognized as a keyboard stroke pushing the Left Ctrl button on your keyboard. This is being registered as button 29. value 1 is the down depression, value 0 is the button being released.
In the es_input.cfg, the top portion for keyboard strokes uses the key id as you suggested and the bottom for joystick uses the code number 29 for the same button press. What evetest has told you is that the way you have your button currently hooked up, it is reading it as the left control button on they keyboard.
Now i don't know if there is a better way to do this, but what i would do is write down what what pin number that button is wired to on your GPIO and then test another pin until you get the button where you want it as Left Ctrl does not currently do anything in retropie. Maybe someone else out there has a better solution. Did your gpio come with a key to tell you what pins are what?
Lastly, i am not sure what you are trying to avoid redoing and what outcome you are looking for? By modifying the es_input file, you are really only changing what the keys/buttons do in emulationstation only. This will not change how the keys/buttons react in retroarch.
Are you simply trying to avoid the controller setup dialogue box?
@TMNTturtlguy - thanks for pointing me in the right direction
@Buzz - thank you for filling in the last piece of the puzzle
I now have what I need!
@TMNTturtlguy I have followed your tips, changing from 0 to 1 the value but issue is still there: whenever I run a game, hit of the button is done when the button is released and not when it is down depressed.
I'm using emulationstation and lm-mame as emulator and dragonrise zero delay joystick as input.
Do I have to change anything else? I mean in retroarch.cfg do I have to set anything?
Thanks and sorry for this since the post is quite old -
@spiderweb Please don't bump (very) old topics.
Open a new topic and describe your problem, providing the info about your setup asked in @TMNTturtlguy hasn't been online in 4 years and the info in this topic relates to using a keyboard, not a gamepad (which you seem to have).
M mitu locked this topic on
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