(WIP) Starting my first case mod. PS2 slim. Help and feedback greatly appreciated!
@Sturo I haven't worked with the pi's GPIO pins myself, just looking up some information. Some verification might be needed. The GPIO pins (according to what I was reading here: http://www.mosaic-industries.com/embedded-systems/microcontroller-projects/raspberry-pi/gpio-pin-electrical-specifications) seem to have a max source and sink current of 16 mA, you won't want to go above this for fear of damaging your pi. Another thing to point out, is that the GPIO pins shouldn't have more than 3.3 V on them.
From the schematic you provided, the LED's are turned on by providing a ground to pin 1 for red and pin 7 for green. They both share the same power from pin 8. I'm guessing that you'd want to put 3.3 V power to pin 8 and put output GPIO pins on both 1 and 7 (seperate pins obviously). To turn off the a LED, you'd provide a high signal, and a low to turn on.
A simpler method you could try instead of buying the boost power supply (which won't work for the GPIOs anyway with the voltage limitations of the pin) is to de-solder the resistors to both LEDs and put lower ones in to replace them. I'll try to figure out what might work after looking at the data sheet and get back to you.
Ok, after running some math, for the red light, you won't want to go with a resistor lower than 110 ohms, and, to reach the same as what I calculated earlier, I'd say about 118 ohms.
For the green, stay above 80 ohms, and roughly 209 ohms to get the same as current board (given that my calculations are right).
I'd check up on mouser.com or one of the other big electronic sellers and look for SMD/SMT (surface mount). Case code in inches of 0603 might work (I can't tell from the video, but you could probably get them to work). Sort by price, lowest to highest, you can probably find some resistors for 8 cents a piece for what you need (as long as they have a power rateing >50mW you should be fine).
If you want to get a better idea of what resistance values to get....you could replace one of the resistors from an LED and replace it with a variable resistor, hook up a current meter to the line and make sure you don't go above 16 mA. You could vary the resistance until you get the brightness that you desire with 3.3 V input. You could also hook it up to the pi just to make sure that there isn't anything on the pi side that is messing with the circuit.
@Wulf thanks for all your research and help!
I talked with a friend and I believe the IR sensor won't be very difficult to install either. You need to hook up another 3.3 V to it, and hook up the SIRCS output to an input GPIO, probably a specific GPIO. I'd just look up a guide for IR sensors and pi at that point.
To reiterate what I've wrote previously for the LEDs and power switch:
- Use 3.3 V output to pin 8 (Ever_+8.5V) on the schematic
- Hookup pin 7 (/Green_On) to an output GPIO pin (output of 3.3V = Green LED off, output of 0V = Green LED on)
- Hookup pin 1 (/Red On) to an output GPIO pin (output of 3.3V = Red LED off, output of 0V = Red LED on)
- De-solder resistors on the same line as LEDs on the PS2 board and replace with resistors NO lower than 80 ohms for green LED (80 to 209 ohms) and NO lower than 110 ohms for Red LED (110 to 118 ohms) (if you don't know where to go for resistors, you can try mouser.com)
- Follow this guide for the power switch:
It uses gpio pins 5 and 6. Looking at the gpio pin layout, 6 is ground, which would connect to pin 4 (GND) on the PS2 board. The other gpio pin would connect to pin 5 (PWR_SW).
I hope this helps
@Wulf, looks great! Man This is exactly what I needed, for someone to explain it to me step by step.
As far as the resistors go on the board, they are microscopic. Probably not going to mess with them.
I am pretty much done though now. What do you guys think?!
@Sturo that's a lot of wires! BTW, desoldering and replacing the small resistors isn't that difficult, especially with a little practice, just need some tweezers, flux and solder wick. Just be mindful, that without replacing those resistors with smaller ones, your LEDs will be super dim, if they even light up.
Also, I thought of another idea for your project. You have two female USB plugs on that cutback board. If you dremel the cutback board a little around both USB ports (to disconnect them from anything else on the board) you could then take a used USB cable, plug one end into the Pi's USB, and cut the other end off to expose wires. You could then solder the wires to their respective pins on the USB plug (on the broken board). Then repeat this for the other USB plug on the broken board.
There is a standard for USB, so you can find out what color wires go to which pins. This would effectively make the USB plugs on the outside act as extensions for two of the Pi's USB. If you do this, try to cut the wires back as little as possible (from where they connect to the USB ports) so that you aren't losing too much of the metal sheathing.
@Wulf That is exactly what I am going to (try) to do with the female USBs. Thanks for the tip on the shielding, I didn't think of that.
As far as the LED's go, I am going to try my luck just running 5v to them and hope for the best. I do need to figure out how to run both LEDs, but have the red light up when there is power to the unit but it isn't on, and have the green come on when the unit is actually on. Probably have to make some kind of script or something? Blah!
Also, I set up a breadboard and have successfully gotten the power button to work! Next up is the leds, then IR!
@Sturo if you are using the gpio pins on the pi, I'd stay away from using any voltage higher than 3.3V. According to that gpio specifications I linked earlier, "A GPIO pin should never be connected to a voltage source greater than 3.3V or less than 0V."
@Wulf even if the LED's have resistors on them?
@Sturo I used this guide for the IR and I never had any problem, it works with any remote (including the PS2 one) and you don't need any any additional board. I don't know if LIRC (the software needed to configure the remote) it's included RetroPie, but if it isn't it could be installed.
@Sturo in the gpio block diagram shown in the gpio-specifications link previously posted, it shows that there is a diode that will forward bias, connecting the pin to the 3.3V supply, when the voltage to it is slightly greater than 3.3V. The voltage will go to the diodes before the resistors, and at 5V, you should be forward biasing both the LED and the diode connecting the GPIO pin to the 3.3V supply line. With your resistor lowering the current from the remaining voltage not dropped by both LED and diode, you might not have enough power to damage the pi (right away) or you might. If you do this, there is no guarantee that you won't damage the pi, and it is most highly probable that using the pi for something that it was not specified to do will void any warranty.
@Sage-Freke is there any difference in GPIO pins becuase that is an older Pi? (Thanks for the guide!)
@Wulf Alright, I will hook the LEDs up to the 3.3v and see how they look.
Thanks again for all your help!
@Sturo will are you create a splashscreen like ps2 splashscreen ?
@godhunter74 Yes I will probably do a custom splashscreen with a PS2-like intro but with a raspberry pi logo or retropie logo.
@Sage-Freke ok cool, I will follow that tutorial when I figure out how I am going to wire the IR to the GPIOs.
@Sturo i'll follow your thread waiting for that...
I'm a recalbox user but i like retropie because there is a fabulous community !!! -
@Sturo looks like it's starting to come together!
So I am working on the IR sensor, I got it all hooked up to the GPIO, but when I go to test the functionality, it is receiving a constant signal from something. I checked all the wires, nothing is crossed, the LIRC service is stopped, and the lights are off. Weird. Maybe the IR sensor just isn't supposed to work when directly wired to a Pi. Any suggestions?
EDIT: After some research, I had a wireless mouse right next to the IR sensor, and that was giving it a false signal. Moved it away and yay it works!
We have success! Got the remote working properly! Wasn't too fun but it's doing its thing.
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