Scraper ruïned my Pi help?
Well it seems like i gotta remove all my games
And start over because i did scraping to get artwork but apperently it also changed the names of my roms for example i had Final fantasy 1-5 (jap Versions with eng trans as well) lined up in snes now after scraping it changed the file names like instead of Final fantasy 1-5 i had now 3 Final fantasy 3s and 2 Final fantasy 2 rly weird also when i clicked on Final fantasy 3 a diff one one came up so yeah the scraper changed my rom names why did it do this?
So now i gotta restart and not do the scraper again but i do like the Art Work so can any one help? -
@retrofreak89 If you are using the scraper built into Emulation station, it often does this. It doesn't change the actual rom file name, but does change the title and then reorders it on your games list for that console.
A couple options. You can edit the meta data of the 'duplicate' titled roms. You can change the title and delete the image if it is incorrect. Or you can scrape, just that single title and see if you can find the correct data for it.
Or you can use a different scraper. I recommend Universal XML.
wow I should of done that scraper. Can I just re scrape or do i have to delete the previs scrap?
You just need to delete or overwrite the gameslist.xml that is stored in each emulator or roms folder. The scraper will create a new one for you pointing to the new images.
that video shows you how to do it from your computer so it directly goes to the retropie... However, there is a different option to have everything scrape and be stored on your computer first. Then you can transfer the resulting files to your retropie to the correct folders.
I did the latter.
If you choose to do that.... delete the scraped images and and the gameslist.xml file from each emulator. The scraper will create a new set of images and a new gameslist.xml that will point to them.
Thanks i will try this and let you know
Sux i didnt know it did this and yeah i used the build in one -
Install sselphscraper from the retropie menu, it may be installed already, then run that. I can't remember if there is an option to overwrite the gamelist.xml in the scraper options but set that to 'yes' if its there. It will do a better job and faster with less issues but does take time if you choose to scrape all your ROMS. I just left it overnight
I like how it shows everything. Really want to see what the game is like if i have no idea what it is.
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