What is the emulator for Neo-Geo?
@christiang said in What is the emulator for Neo-Geo?:
I am noticing that all of my Neo-Geo games won't load anymore
The same files were used to load normally before?
@edmaul69 Where in the menu do you choose to install each emulator. I do not remember.
@meleu Yes I havent changed anything on my system except for maybe scraping the whole thing a couple of times.
@meleu same thing happened to me. I had to update retropie setup and reinstall both lr fba emulators for my neo geo roms to work. They work on both emulators now. Not sure what happened that i needed to update both emulators. So hopefully it will work for him too.
@christiang then we need to see the logs. Try to launch the game with lr-fbalpha and in runcommand menu choose "launch with verbose logging" after failing and going back to ES check the file
and paste their content on pastebin.com or something. -
@meleu it was strange. My capcom games worked but my neo geo games didnt. The emulators.cfg files were identical so i am not sure what the problem was.
@meleu ok let me try what you mentioned.
@meleu Parameters:
Executing: /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-fbalpha/fbalpha_libretro.so --config /opt/retropie/configs/neogeo/retroarch.cfg "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/neogeo/flipshot.zip" --verbose --appendconfig /dev/shm/retroarch.cfg
RetroArch [INFO] :: This is RetroArch version 1.6.0 (Git f14473f)
RetroArch [INFO] :: Redirecting save file to "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/neogeo/flipshot.srm".
RetroArch [INFO] :: === Build =======================================
Capabilities: NEON VFPv3 VFPv4
Built: Jun 25 2017
RetroArch [INFO] :: Version: 1.6.0
RetroArch [INFO] :: Git: f14473f
RetroArch [INFO] :: =================================================
RetroArch [INFO] :: [Config]: loading config from: /opt/retropie/configs/neogeo/retroarch.cfg.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Config: appending config "/dev/shm/retroarch.cfg"
RetroArch [INFO] :: Loading dynamic libretro core from: "/opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-fbalpha/fbalpha_libretro.so"
RetroArch [INFO] :: [overrides] no core-specific overrides found at /home/pi/.config/retroarch/config/FB Alpha/FB Alpha.cfg.
RetroArch [INFO] :: [overrides] no game-specific overrides found at /home/pi/.config/retroarch/config/FB Alpha/flipshot.cfg.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Shaders: preset directory: /home/pi/.config/retroarch/shaders/presets
RetroArch [INFO] :: Shaders: no game-specific preset found at /home/pi/.config/retroarch/shaders/presets/FB Alpha/flipshot.cgp.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Shaders: no game-specific preset found at /home/pi/.config/retroarch/shaders/presets/FB Alpha/flipshot.glslp.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Shaders: no core-specific preset found at /home/pi/.config/retroarch/shaders/presets/FB Alpha/FB Alpha.cgp.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Shaders: no core-specific preset found at /home/pi/.config/retroarch/shaders/presets/FB Alpha/FB Alpha.glslp.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ SET_VARIABLES.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Remaps: remap directory: /opt/retropie/configs/neogeo/
RetroArch [INFO] :: Remaps: no game-specific remap found at /opt/retropie/configs/neogeo/FB Alpha/flipshot.rmp.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Remaps: no core-specific remap found at /opt/retropie/configs/neogeo/FB Alpha/FB Alpha.rmp.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Redirecting save file to "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/neogeo/flipshot.srm".
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_LOG_INTERFACE.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Content loading skipped. Implementation will load it on its own.
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: Setting save dir to /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/neogeo/
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ SYSTEM_DIRECTORY: "/home/pi/RetroPie/BIOS".
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: Setting system dir to /home/pi/RetroPie/BIOS
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: set_environment: SYSTEM: 11, DIPSWITCH: 0, MACRO: 0
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: retro_variable (SYSTEM) { 'fba-aspect', 'Core-provided aspect ratio; DAR|PAR' }
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: retro_variable (SYSTEM) { 'fba-cpu-speed-adjust', 'CPU overclock; 100|110|120|130|140|150|160|170|180|190|200' }
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: retro_variable (SYSTEM) { 'fba-controls-p1', 'Control scheme; gamepad|arcade' }
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: retro_variable (SYSTEM) { 'fba-controls-p2', 'Control scheme; gamepad|arcade' }
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: retro_variable (SYSTEM) { 'fba-sh2-mode', 'Psikyo/Kaneko SH2 mode (need 'hard' restart); accurate|fast' }
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: retro_variable (SYSTEM) { 'fba-hiscores', 'Hiscores; enabled|disabled' }
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: retro_variable (SYSTEM) { 'fba-lr-controls-p1', 'L/R P1 gamepad scheme; normal|remap to R1/R2' }
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: retro_variable (SYSTEM) { 'fba-lr-controls-p2', 'L/R P2 gamepad scheme; normal|remap to R1/R2' }
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: retro_variable (SYSTEM) { 'fba-neogeo-mode', 'Neo Geo mode; MVS|AES|UNIBIOS|DIPSWITCH' }
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: retro_variable (SYSTEM) { 'fba-neogeo-controls-p1', 'Neo Geo P1 gamepad scheme; classic|newgen' }
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: retro_variable (SYSTEM) { 'fba-neogeo-controls-p2', 'Neo Geo P2 gamepad scheme; classic|newgen' }
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ SET_VARIABLES.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Saved core options file to "/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-core-options.cfg"
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE fba-cpu-speed-adjust:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 100
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE fba-controls-p1:
RetroArch [INFO] :: gamepad
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE fba-controls-p2:
RetroArch [INFO] :: gamepad
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE fba-sh2-mode:
RetroArch [INFO] :: accurate
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE fba-aspect:
RetroArch [INFO] :: DAR
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE fba-lr-controls-p1:
RetroArch [INFO] :: normal
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE fba-lr-controls-p2:
RetroArch [INFO] :: normal
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE fba-neogeo-controls-p1:
RetroArch [INFO] :: classic
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE fba-neogeo-controls-p2:
RetroArch [INFO] :: classic
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE fba-neogeo-mode:
RetroArch [INFO] :: MVS
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE fba-hiscores:
RetroArch [INFO] :: enabled
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: [FBA] Archive: flipshot
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: [FBA] Archive: neogeo
RetroArch [libretro ERROR] :: [FBA] Failed to find archive: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/neogeo/neogeo, let's continue with other archives...
RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: [FBA] Parsing archive /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/neogeo/flipshot.
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 128 with CRC 0x91b64be3 and name asia-s3.rom => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 129 with CRC 0x9036d879 and name sp-s2.sp1 => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 130 with CRC 0xc7f2fa45 and name sp-s.sp1 => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 131 with CRC 0xe72943de and name sp-u2.sp1 => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 132 with CRC 0x62f021f4 and name v2.bin => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 133 with CRC 0x2723a5b5 and name sp-e.sp1 => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 134 with CRC 0xf0e8f27d and name vs-bios.rom => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 135 with CRC 0xacede59c and name sp-j2.sp1 => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 136 with CRC 0x9fb0abe4 and name sp1.jipan.1024 => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 137 with CRC 0x03cc9f6a and name sp-45.sp1 => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 138 with CRC 0xdff6d41f and name japan-j3.bin => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 139 with CRC 0x16d0c132 and name neo-po.bin => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 140 with CRC 0xd27a71f1 and name neo-epo.bin => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 141 with CRC 0x698ebb7d and name neodebug.bin => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 142 with CRC 0x162f0ebe and name sp-1v1_3db8c.bin => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 143 with CRC 0xa4e8b9b3 and name uni-bios_3_2.rom => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 144 with CRC 0x0c58093f and name uni-bios_3_1.rom => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 145 with CRC 0xa97c89a9 and name uni-bios_3_0.rom => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 146 with CRC 0x27664eb5 and name uni-bios_2_3.rom => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 147 with CRC 0x601720ae and name uni-bios_2_3o.rom => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 148 with CRC 0x2d50996a and name uni-bios_2_2.rom => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 149 with CRC 0x8dabf76b and name uni-bios_2_1.rom => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 150 with CRC 0x0c12c2ad and name uni-bios_2_0.rom => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 151 with CRC 0xb24b44a0 and name uni-bios_1_3.rom => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 152 with CRC 0x4fa698e9 and name uni-bios_1_2.rom => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 153 with CRC 0xe19d3ce9 and name uni-bios_1_2o.rom => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 154 with CRC 0x5dda0d84 and name uni-bios_1_1.rom => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 155 with CRC 0x0ce453a0 and name uni-bios_1_0.rom => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 156 with CRC 0xcb915e76 and name neopen.sp1 => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 159 with CRC 0x94416d67 and name sm1.sm1 => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 160 with CRC 0xc2ea0cfd and name sfix.sfix => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 161 with CRC 0x5a86cff2 and name 000-lo.lo => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] NeoGeo BIOS missing ...
RetroArch [libretro ERROR] :: [FBA] ROM at index 128 with CRC 0x91b64be3 is required ...
RetroArch [libretro ERROR] :: [FBA] Cannot find driver.
RetroArch [libretro ERROR] :: [FBA] Cannot load this game.
RetroArch [ERROR] :: Failed to load content.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Saved core options file to "/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-core-options.cfg"
RetroArch [ERROR] :: This core requires a content file. -
- big files should be pasted in pastebin.com , ghostbin.com or something similar.
- when the file isn't that big (maybe less than 20 lines) it can be pasted here, but in code block (more details here: http://commonmark.org/help/)
- looks like the emulator didn't find the
BIOS file. This file must be in the same directory as the ROM.
@meleu Thanks. I am pretty new to this so sorry. I am not sure what occurred because one second everything worked fine the next it stopped. Thanks for helping me out. Not sure why this file would disappear all of a sudden.
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