M.u.g.e.n fighting games for Retropie?
I'm wondering...
I cant find anything but can the Raspberry pi 3 play any mugen based fighters???
I found a mugen game that looks rly cool
(Hyper Dragonball Z)
If not are their any other fighters i should check out?
Other then the well known SF2 turbo -
@retrofreak89 Theoretically you could run the ancient-and-obscure DOS version via DOSbox, but I've yet to test it, and it's incompatiable with just about everything you'll find on the internet.
As for WinMUGEN or 1.0, I'm actually not sure. Apparently there exists a few versions for Linux, but I doubt that it'd run well on a Pi (if it even runs at all.)
@supercatfooz ahh ok sucks ah well can't want everything right heh
But it would be awesome tho if it worked -
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