Street Fighter III 3rd strike MAME version on retro pie ?
The main reason is in mame it is easy to configure the buttons via the mame control panel than in if I connect a different controller the mame option is easier to configure than FBA or am i wrong in this thinking >
The thinking is wrong. In fba or mame or most lr- emulators you can press hot key x and configure your controllers from the quick menu. Then you can save the changes per rom or the entire emulator. No need to ever use the mame controller configs.
@graf Yes, it is annoying that retroarch can't save a controller's buttons if I switch to a joystick. I got around it by making my own cps1-2-3 section so it saves its own retroarch.cfg and then all games can use the same button layout. I suppose you can set the other controller as player 2 and save that button config.
Cool thanks for that. Maybe in the net version it will be done :)
@graf yeah the newer street fighter games suck in mame. So much better in fba. I use fba only for all capcom roms. Cps 1-3 plus older roms before cps boards.
Street Fighter III: 2nd Strike runs also perfect on AdvanceMame 3.x 😊
But to be honest: the other versions do not. -
There are 3 default layouts in fbalpha-libretro :
- Classic : the snes layout
- Modern : the modern playstation/xbox layout (same as classic except strong kick go from R to R2 and strong punch go from L to R1)
- Arcade : i couldn't explain where it comes from, it was there when i took over the project so i just never tampered with it (A is weak punch, B is medium punch, X is strong punch, Y is weak kick, L is medium kick, R is strong kick, i'm talking from a snes/retropad buttons point of view here, not xbox)
You can select those default layouts from core options or controls depending on your fbalpha-libretro version (it moved from core options to controls in latest commits), you can also customize them in controls.
Also, i wouldn't mind modifying Arcade default layout if there are good reasons to do so. -
@barbudreadmon said in Street Fighter III 3rd strike MAME version on retro pie ?:
Also, i wouldn't mind modifying Arcade default layout if there are good reasons to do so.
i think the problem is there are variety of 6-8 button layouts on commercial fightsticks, controllers etc. i had a go at trying to think about this problem here:
i think a good solution would involve a few different 'arcade' layouts (maybe 'Arcade: Hori', 'Arcade: Modern', etc). maybe there's a better solution ...
This one is from street fighter 3, but the street fighter 2 one was the same :
So i don't fully understand what's the issue here :
If you use the modern layout (core option "switch L/R blahblah" if you use an older version of fbalpha-libretro) with those fight stick, you'll have weak/medium/strong punch on the upper row, and weak/medium/strong kick on the lower row, which is the same as arcade layout.
Still the same except the 4th column (the one with the buttons we don't use or eventually map to macros) became the first column, is that a big deal ? Creating a 4th layout for this seems overboard, and the whole topic make me think i should get rid of the arcade layout -
@graf said in Street Fighter III 3rd strike MAME version on retro pie ?:
Has anybody got Street fighter III 3rd strike working in MAME on the retro pie?
I have it working in FBA on retro pie.If you have what version of MAME did you use ?
Hey i know this is an old post but I couldn't find a way to send a PM. I'm pulling my hair out trying to get SF 3rd strike to work in FBA. Can you run me through it or suggest anything I might have skipped over? Thanks!
@gbh use the right romset. current retropie's lr-fbalpha uses fba you need to get from that and put it in /retropie/roms/fba
Gotcha ok. Only problem is now is I can't find it anywhere. What I have found are earlier versions of it.
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