Video screensaver black screen
Pi Model or other hardware: (B)
Power Supply used: (canakit raspberry pi micro usb power supply)
RetroPie Version Used (4.3.8):
Built From: (retropie image from petrockblock, originally 4.1)
USB Devices connected: Keyboard
Controller used: Homemade arcade using iPac 2 and push buttons
Error messages received: None
Log found in /dev/shm/runcommand.log (if relevant):
Guide used: (ETA prime video on video screen saver)
File: (File with issue - with FULL path)
Emulator: (Name of emulator - if applicable)
Attachment of config files: (PLEASE USE PASTEBIN.COM FOR LARGE LOGS)
How to replicate the problem: When allow the screensaver to come on or if I hit the 'select' button, the screen goes black.I changed my UI settings to allow for video screensavers and when the screensaver starts, the screen goes black. When I hit a button, it then goes back to EmulationStation. Picture screensavers do work. I have a 2nd pi that was built from a previous version of this pi (SD card copy) and video screensavers do work. Thanks for any help or ideas.
@mathrocks sounds like the screensaver can't find videos to use... I take it that you do actually have games with videos installed. Which settings do you use in the screensaver options menu?
Yes, sorry I did not explain that. I have videos for all games. Videos were downloaded using the SSelph video scraper. I am using EmulautionStation v2.7.4RP.Screensaver settings are:
Screensaver after 1m
Screensaver behavior - Randomvideo
Video screensaver settings:- swap video after 30s
- use OMX player for screensaver - on
- screensaver controls - on
- show game info on screensaver - currently using “start and end” but have tried them all
- stretch video on screensaver - off
Actually, great question! As I typed the settings I realized I had OMX player on. I turned it off and now video screensavers work! I can’t believe I didn’t catch that before! I saw the OMX player settings in the “other settings” section before and thought that was the only section that let you control using the OMX player or not. Problem solved, thanks!
@mathrocks You should probably convert those to run on OMXPlayer. VLC is great and all, however it uses software decoding. This will cause your videos to stutter and your Pi to overheat (If you don't have a fan).
Ok thanks. I will look into that. I’m guessing there is a guide for that in this forum?
The videos downloaded with sselph scraper do run on OMXPlayer. And if they show on the game selection screen with OMXPlayer on, the should show on the screensaver.
Although you found a solution, something’s still weird. -
@fabio78 They can run fine, apart from the MAME/FBA/NEO-GEO snaps which usually come from
. I believe there is an issue with the bit depth / sample rate (don't quote me on that!) on the "Arcade" snaps and OMX will not play them.
Anyway, back to the point... most people I saw on here were converting the video snaps to 480x360 @ 30fps to get the best performance from OMX in the menu.
@jonnykesh Ah ok. Well, for MAME/Neo Geo I’ve downloaded a full set from a website a while ago, all working in OMX flawlessly. Unfortunately I don’t remember which one, but try and Google it. I think it’s a better course of action than going through the pain of converting every single one of them.
@fabio78 Yeah, that does sound like a major headache. I've never bothered with videos, apart from a splashscreen. I'm happy with a decent image. I don't even like metadata for year, publisher, etc.
Thanks to you both for your help on this!
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