Yet another post on no sound via HDMI
You have the same 7" screen running over HDMI?
I had no sound on hdmi on a clean install of retropie either. The first thing I did, actually, when I got the pi was install retropie and connect my TV to it using HDMI and it didn't have sound. There is definitely some bug there. I didn't worry too much about it because I wasn't going to use HDMI in my project, but I thought I'd throw in my experience as well.
Sound is an issue with the Pi, it's known but I think for the most part it's correctable by tweaking things one way or another.
@opensourcefan said in Yet another post on no sound via HDMI:
Okay now I'm confused... The LCD has no speakers but your controller has an amp built in and you connected speakers to it?
You mean your LCD controller correct? I started thinking controller controller for a second. Maybe that controller is a weird one, can the HDMI protocol be updated on it that you know of?
Yes I'm sorry, I wasn't very clear about that; it's a 7" LCD screen with a separate controller so you can hook it to HDMI, VGA and composite, it has a good amplifier onboard and inrared remote control and buttons to adjust settings, volume and such but I mainly use the IR remote control. I built it into a nice housing and I built the speakers into it, it sounds really good (i bought some laptop speakers which are in small housings with a little bassport which actually makes it sound pretty good for the size they are.
With the rpi2 it works great but with the rpi3 no sound at all.I just hooked it up to my Samsung LCD TV and presto, sound via HDMI works great!
So it must be a setting, I think in the hdmi group and/or hdmi mode but I have yet to find a good combinationThis is the LCD screen with controller: Image quality is stunning and much much better than my hp laptop screen. Also very good in the sun and viewing angle is amazing.
These are the speakers:
I have 2 of them connected to a hdmi splitter and I use them as headrest monitors for the children, i works great, I can control it via a telephone during driving long distances, I never hear them in the back.
I now made 2 new SD cards with OSMC installed. As it seems it's not a problem of RetroPie but simply the connected screen so OSMC is a little simpler to test I didn't had the time to test RetroPie on the TV as I already installes OSMC on the SD card, I need an extra one!
These screens are used widely so I think it's useful to find out what the correct settings are since I find a lot of people posting on different forums with the same problem and no solution after trying all solutions I also tried and posted in this post.With the rpi2 the new OSMC works out of the box without any changing in /boot/config.txt or any other setting. The rpi3 still refuses to give sound over hdmi
What I need now is some commands in the CLI to find out which modes/settings the rpi2 uses to drive the monitor so possibly I can copy these to the rpi3 and hopefully solve the problem.
My linux knowledge falls short here so I hope someone knows of any command(s) to find the correct settings used by my rpi2! -
I just ordered this one:
So I can start building a portable RetroPie system!
Actually, changed my mind on the last moment to order this one:
Both can run from 5 V so it will work with a 3.7 lithium battery and a step-up converter.
I'm currently testing the Rpi3 on a Xiaomi 10.4 Ah power bank and currently I just finished 2 full Disney films on it and all 4 battery indicators are still lighting up! Quite impressive, seems the rpi3 is using less power than the rpi2! -
Great info, I've been looking in to a portable system as well. So we know your pi out out sound with the TV test. I'm guessing it doesn't like your controller for some reason but you could always use the 3.5 jack right.
Very interesting indeed about running off the battery pack. You were using OSMC to watch the Disney movies? I guess it isn't using too much power to run that. Did you have a keyboard or anything hooked up maybe via bluetooth?
@opensourcefan no only a usb keyboard. File was a 1080p mkv
And yes. I will be using the 3.5mm hack since most lcd controllers don't have an on-board amplifier anyway. Must be this that's causing this. Tried 3 other screens and all give sound via hdmi.
@vinz3nt That's too bad because that does look like a nice little screen and if you think the image quality is excellent even more of a bummer. Oh well, the hack isn't that big of a deal.
still no luck on my end with the recommendations in your link above for HDMI sound. I'm using an older ASUS computer monitor with built-in speakers for all my initial setups and testing. I had the exact same issue with a pi2 board with Retropie v3.5. I now have a fresh install of v3.8 on a brand new pi3 board.
Video works perfectly. Audio does not work at all... and editing /boot/config.txt has never worked for me no matter what tweaks I made.
Curiously, If I run Kodi from my ports menu, sound magically starts working. As soon as I exit Kodi, sound works in ES and all emulated games. If I do not run Kodi, I get no sound.
To work around this, I added a boot script to start kodi, then exit, and voila, sound works all the time. Crazy, but at least a workaround for me. Any idea what causes this or how to fix?
Wow that is super strange, strange enough to maybe be a bug. I'm sorry but I'm not versed enough to figure that weirdness out.
I'm very curious what Kodi is starting up that is giving you sound and why whatever that is isn't already started. The Pi and the monitor are obviously compatible since you're getting sound with Kodi so I think we can rule out hardware issues. You wouldn't by any chance have emulation station or something set to zero volume would you? or something similar to that? Again though I'm at a loss.
I checked volume levels in ES and the monitor and had both turned up all the way... had quite a surprise "kodi bleep" when I accidentally found out sound worked when I started up Kodi.
I never had the sound issue above when switching between my main setup (onkyo receiver with epson powerlite projector) or samsung TV. It always seemed to work fine there. Initial sound only failed when switching out to the Asus monitor I was using for test builds and tweaks.
It's been quite a while since I used the Asus monitor; but believe after re-imaging to 4.0Rc1 the sound issue went away.
I have HDMI sound problems too. I found a strange work around for my issue. To get HDMI sound to work globally I simply need to go into Ports and load up Doom fire the gun a few times and exit out. Sound works in all games after doing that. Lol I have no clue why.
Same for me. I started Kodi and it works. Wish I could find a way to fix it.
@brandonrcampbell you should start a new topic then detailing your set up -
Just for shits and giggles check your sound setting in raspbian. I have raspian installed along with Retropie. My issue turned out to be that I had sound muted in raspbian in the top right corner. Once I unmuted it and put the volume all the way up. Restarted in retropie I had sound for all games.
I had same issue with sound not coming through hdmi. I found this which did the trick for me.
Which basically says to force hdmi by uncommenting the hdmi_drive=2 within /boot/config.txt, rebooted and I have sound. -
I started off with a Pi Zero and didn't think about it once i got a Pi 3. My sound didn't work because i was using the Pi Zero Retropie. It worked perfectly once I installed the correct Retropie. Good luck!
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