Can somebody please help me because i can import doom 2 or ultimate doom into retropie (maybe someone can make a video because text tutorials sometimes confuse me) AND YES i have read the wiki for it but i still dont know how. PLZ HELP.....also it would be great to make it easier in the upcoming retropie updates :)
I have 'Ultimate Doom', 'Doom II', 'TNT: Evilution' and 'The Plutonia Experiment' running nicely on my system with custom launch scripts for Emulation Station. If nobody turns up with a video, I'll walk you through it. It's not all that complicated. With a little patience and perseverance, you'll be fragging cyberdemons before you know it.
This post is deleted! -
@mediamogul that would be awesome!!! i would really appreciate it.
Not a problem. I'll get all my steps in order and be back a little later in the day.
@mediamogul ok ill check every now and then.
OK, I want you to be able to use these instructions to install multiple versions of DOOM. So, whenever this guide makes reference to "xxx", you will substitute whatever name you're working with, such as "doom", "doom2", "plutonia" or "tnt". Let's start by placing the ".wad" files for your desired version in
. While we're at it, let's make sure that they are named as you see them above for consistency.Ultimate Doom = "doom.wad"
Doom 2 = "doom2.wad"
The Plutonia Experiment = "plutonia.wad"
TNT: Evilution = tnt.wadOnce the wad/wads have been moved into location, drop to the command line from Emulation Station by pressing the f4 key on your keyboard and type:
nano /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/
Press 'enter' and you will be presented with an empty area where you will type:
#!/bin/bash /opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 "/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-prboom/ --config /opt/retropie/configs/ports/doom/retroarch.cfg /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/doom/xxx.wad" "lr-prboom" When you are finished, press 'ctrl-o' on your keyboard to save and then press 'enter' to confirm.
Next, type:chmod +x /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/
Press 'enter' and type
Press 'enter' one more time and wait for Emulation Station to load, where you should now find the game listing "xxx" under the ports menu.
Wash, rinse and repeat for any other version of doom listed above that you wish to install. Don't worry if something goes wrong. We'll get you on the right track one way or another.
ok so i did what you said but when i go to launch it it says
sh: 1: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/ not found
@TheDevastator24 see for proper code block formatting
@herb_fargus thanks
I think I might know what might have happened, but let's see. Drop back to the command line (f4) and type:
ls /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/
Press enter and look for anything with a similar name to "
" and report it here. -
@mediamogul ok will see
@mediamogul ok so i see
on the terminal. (it sucks that i can only post every 120 seconds so my replies may be a little late) -
When you look, are you sure there are no variances to the name "
"? No extra characters? Are there any possible differences in upper or lower case? -
@mediamogul nope no other variances or upper/lowercase letters in
@mediamogul I dont know if this helps but i can play the doom shareware that came pre-installed with retropie
OK, the fact that launching
throws up an error that says it can't
is odd, so let's drop to the command line and type:nano /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/
near the very end, right before
, make sure it reads "doom2.wad
" and not "
". -
@mediamogul ya it says
@mediamogul maybe you can send me over your files for ultimate doom and i can try that
I'm going to try breaking my installation in a few different ways to see if I can replicate this. In the mean time, if anyone else sees an error unnoticed so far, feel free to chime in.
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