Reicast (Dreamcast) Emulator Not Playing !
I used the values from reicast-joyconfig
Yes, I can use evtest with ID 3. I recibe this when I push A button:
Event: time 1466183037.124242, type 4 (EV_MSC), code 4 (MSC_SCAN), value 700e2 Event: time 1466183037.124242, type 1 (EV_KEY), code 56 (KEY_LEFTALT), value 0
As you can see, is the same code from reicast-joyconfig
[dreamcast] btn_a = 56
ID 2 don't work in reicast-joyconfig. Neither evtest!
Hum, can you change emu.cfg to use another config file for your controller? A file without blank?
Or maybe try with another controller, just to validate one configuration?
I must admit that I have no more ideas :/I will check my own configuration to see if we have miss something.
Thank you for help, I will check again everything.
If the file is "controller_NAMECONTROLLER.cfg"
This "NAMECONTROLLER" is the same name that "Mapping Name" inside the file? And the ID of the controller?
For example, can I name it "controller_pad.cfg"?
So inside controller_pad.cfg :
[emulator] mapping_name = Ultimarc IPAC 2 Ultimarc IPAC 2
[emulator] mapping_name = pad
Thanks again.
It's the name of the pad :
mapping_name = Ultimarc IPAC 2 Ultimarc IPAC 2
and you can have blank.
but the name of the file is not really important.
If you have a file named :
controller_test.cfgYou just have to put the same name file on emu.cfg
Have you test with a file named without blank?
Yes, I used "controller_Ultimarc.cfg" and nothing.
Maybe this could help?
@JoargTheBard said in Every time I play dreamcast, displays the setting screen time/date:
the controller config part of my emu.cfg looks like this
evdev_device_id_1 = 2
evdev_device_id_2 = 3
evdev_device_id_3 = -1
evdev_device_id_4 = -1
evdev_mapping_1 = /opt/retropie/configs/dreamcast/mappings/controller_8BitdoNES30Pro.cfg
evdev_mapping_2 = /opt/retropie/configs/dreamcast/mappings/controller_8BitdoNES30Pro.cfg
joystick_device_id = -1@caver01 said in Every time I play dreamcast, displays the setting screen time/date:
@JoargTheBard said in Every time I play dreamcast, displays the setting screen time/date:
evdev_mapping_1 = /opt/retropie/configs/dreamcast/mappings/controller_8BitdoNES30Pro.cfg
evdev_mapping_2 = /opt/retropie/configs/dreamcast/mappings/controller_8BitdoNES30Pro.cfgWow. I can't believe it. I made it work. I took the spaces out of my mapping file and replaced them with underscores, then commented out the automap line in the .sh file as you instructed. Then I updated my emu.cfg adding this:
[input] evdev_device_id_1 = 4 evdev_device_id_2 = 5 evdev_device_id_3 = -1 evdev_device_id_4 = -1 evdev_mapping_1 = /opt/retropie/configs/dreamcast/mappings/controller_Ultimarc_I-PAC_Arcade_Control_Interface.cfg evdev_mapping_2 = /opt/retropie/configs/dreamcast/mappings/controller_Ultimarc_I-PAC_Arcade_Control_Interface.cfg joystick_device_id = -1
and it actually works. Crazy taxi has a few audio problems on the P3, but it actually worked. Thanks for your help!
it's the same test when you use controller_Ultimarc.cfg
can you try to edit your controller_ultimarc.cfg to match with this :[emulator] mapping_name = Xbox Gamepad (userspace driver) btn_escape = 316 [dreamcast] btn_a = 304 btn_b = 305 btn_c = btn_d = btn_x = 307 btn_y = 308 btn_z = btn_start = 315 btn_dpad1_left = btn_dpad1_right = btn_dpad1_up = btn_dpad1_down = btn_dpad2_left = btn_dpad2_right = btn_dpad2_up = btn_dpad2_down = axis_x = 0 axis_y = 1 axis_trigger_left = 2 axis_trigger_right = 5 [compat] btn_trigger_left = 312 btn_trigger_right = 313 axis_dpad1_x = 16 axis_dpad1_y = 17 axis_dpad2_x = axis_dpad2_y = axis_x_inverted = no axis_y_inverted = no axis_trigger_left_inverted = no axis_trigger_right_inverted = no axis_dpad1_y_inverted = yes axis_dpad1_x_inverted = no
Nooooothing. Incredible. I'm completely lost. I put here the main archives if you need look something else.
Thanks again...
#!/usr/bin/env bash AUDIO="$1" ROM="$2" rootdir="/opt/retropie" configdir="$rootdir/configs" source "$rootdir/lib/" function mapInput() { local js_device local js_device_num local ev_device local ev_devices local ev_device_num local device_counter local conf="$configdir/dreamcast/emu.cfg" local params="" # get a list of all present js device numbers and device names # and device count for js_device in /dev/input/js*; do js_device_num=${js_device/\/dev\/input\/js/} echo "$js_device_num = $js_device_num" > /home/pi/testReicast.log for ev_device in /dev/input/event*; do ev_device_num=${ev_device/\/dev\/input\/event/} echo "ev_device_num = $ev_device_num" > /home/pi/testReicast.log echo "check if this exist : /sys/class/input/event$ev_device_num/device/js$js_device_num" if [[ -d "/sys/class/input/event${ev_device_num}/device/js${js_device_num}" ]]; then echo "Now check if this exist : /sys/class/input/event$ev_device_num/device/name" file[$ev_device_num]=$(grep --exclude=*.bak -rl "$configdir/dreamcast/mappings/" -e "= $(</sys/class/i$ if [[ -f "${file[$ev_device_num]}" ]]; then #file[$ev_device_num]="${file[$ev_device_num]##*/}" ev_devices[$ev_device_num]=$(</sys/class/input/event${ev_device_num}/device/name) echo "Add for controller : /sys/class/input/event$ev_device_num/device/name" device_counter=$(($device_counter+1)) fi fi done done # emu.cfg: store up to four event devices and mapping files if [[ "$device_counter" -gt "0" ]]; then # reicast supports max 4 event devices if [[ "$device_counter" -gt "4" ]]; then device_counter="4" fi local counter=0 for ev_device_num in "${!ev_devices[@]}"; do if [[ "$counter" -lt "$device_counter" ]]; then counter=$(($counter+1)) params+="-config input:evdev_device_id_$counter=$ev_device_num " params+="-config input:evdev_mapping_$counter=${file[$ev_device_num]} " fi done while [[ "$counter" -lt "4" ]]; do counter=$(($counter+1)) params+="-config input:evdev_device_id_$counter=-1 " params+="-config input:evdev_mapping_$counter=-1 " done else # fallback to keyboard setup params+="-config input:evdev_device_id_1=0 " fi params+="-config input:evdev_device_id_1=3 " params+="-config input:joystick_device_id=-1 " params+="-config players:nb=1 " echo "$params" } if [[ -f "$HOME/RetroPie/BIOS/dc_boot.bin" ]]; then params="-config config:homedir=$HOME -config x11:fullscreen=1 " getAutoConf reicast_input || params+=$(mapInput) echo "$params" > /home/pi/testReicast.log if [[ "$AUDIO" == "OSS" ]]; then params+=" -config audio:backend=oss -config audio:disable=0 " aoss "$rootdir/emulators/reicast/bin/reicast" $params -config config:image="$ROM" >> /dev/null else params+=" -config audio:backend=alsa -config audio:disable=0" "$rootdir/emulators/reicast/bin/reicast" $params -config config:image="$ROM" >> /dev/null fi else dialog --msgbox "You need to copy the Dreamcast BIOS files (dc_boot.bin and dc_flash.bin) to the folder $biosdir to boot the Dreamcast emulator." 22 76 fi
[audio] disable = 0 [config] Debug.SerialConsoleEnabled = 0 Dreamcast.Broadcast = 4 Dreamcast.Cable = 3 Dreamcast.RTC = 2097443480 Dreamcast.Region = 3 Dynarec.Enabled = 1 Dynarec.idleskip = 1 Dynarec.unstable-opt = 0 aica.LimitFPS = 1 aica.NoBatch = 0 aica.NoSound = 0 bios.UseReios = 0 pvr.MaxThreads = 3 pvr.Subdivide = 0 pvr.SynchronousRendering = 0 pvr.rend = 0 rend.UseMipmaps = 1 rend.WideScreen = 0 ta.skip = 0 [input] evdev_device_id_1 = 3 evdev_device_id_2 = -1 evdev_device_id_3 = -1 evdev_device_id_4 = -1 evdev_mapping_1 = /opt/retropie/configs/dreamcast/mappings/controller_Ultimarc.cfg joystick_device_id = -1 [players] nb = 1 [reios] ElfFile = [validate] OpenGlChecks = 0
Your controller_Ultimarc.cfg
[emulator] mapping_name = Ultimarc IPAC 2 Ultimarc IPAC 2 btn_escape = 44 [dreamcast] btn_a = 356 btn_b = 42 btn_c = btn_d = btn_x = 29 btn_y = 57 btn_z = btn_start = 45 btn_dpad1_left = 105 btn_dpad1_right = 106 btn_dpad1_up = 103 btn_dpad1_down = 108 btn_dpad2_left = btn_dpad2_right = btn_dpad2_up = btn_dpad2_down = axis_x = axis_y = axis_trigger_left = 2 axis_trigger_right = 5 [compat] btn_trigger_left = 2 btn_trigger_right = 6 axis_dpad1_x = axis_dpad1_y = axis_dpad2_x = axis_dpad2_y = axis_x_inverted = no axis_y_inverted = no axis_trigger_left_inverted = no axis_trigger_right_inverted = no axis_dpad1_y_inverted = no axis_dpad1_x_inverted = no
reicast-joyconfig info
0: Barcode Reader (/dev/input/event0, usb-3f980000.usb-1.3/input0) 1: Barcode Reader (/dev/input/event1, usb-3f980000.usb-1.3/input1) 2: Ultimarc IPAC 2 Ultimarc IPAC 2 (/dev/input/event2, usb-3f980000.usb 1.2/input0) 3: Ultimarc IPAC 2 Ultimarc IPAC 2 (/dev/input/event3, usb-3f980000.usb-1.2/input1) 4: Ultimarc IPAC 2 Ultimarc IPAC 2 (/dev/input/event4, usb-3f980000.usb-1.2/input2) 5: Ultimarc IPAC 2 Ultimarc IPAC 2 (/dev/input/event5, usb-3f980000.usb-1.2/input3) Please enter the device id: 3 Using device 3... Name: Ultimarc IPAC 2 Ultimarc IPAC 2 File: /dev/input/event3 Phys: usb-3f980000.usb-1.2/input1
Test with reicast-joyconfig...
Do you want to map a button to exit the emulator [Y/n] y Press the that button now... emulator escape button mapped to 3 (KEY_2). Do you want to map the A button? [Y/n] y Press the A button now... A button mapped to 56 (KEY_LEFTALT). Do you want to map the B button? [Y/n] y Press the B button now... B button mapped to 42 (KEY_LEFTSHIFT). Do you want to map the C button? [Y/n] n Do you want to map the D button? [Y/n] n Do you want to map the X button? [Y/n] y Press the X button now... X button mapped to 29 (KEY_LEFTCTRL). Do you want to map the Y button? [Y/n] y Press the Y button now... Y button mapped to 57 (KEY_SPACE). Do you want to map the Z button? [Y/n] n Do you want to map the START button? [Y/n] y Press the START button now... START button mapped to 45 (KEY_X).
Ok... I used a DualShock 4 and works awesome.
It's ok, but the idea is use the cabinet controls. At least I can confirm that all the configuration it's ok.
Maybe the thing is located in the IPAC imput/event things.
It's really strange.
I think issue is on reicast code source.I found this, but they don't give solution : this :
put IPAC 2 on gamepad position...
Can you try this? -
There is only 8 gamepad inputs, not enough for the Joystick and the Player 2.
I'm ok with the gamepads. The best option is the cabinet controls, but I'll continue looking for that in the future.
Thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate your help.
@dmanthing I was having the exact same problem as you, but I just double checked and all my file sizes appear to have copied fully. I cannot access the system manager either. Any other possible fixes?
@FOGOR said in Reicast (Dreamcast) Emulator Not Playing !:
@dmanthing I was having the exact same problem as you, but I just double checked and all my file sizes appear to have copied fully. I cannot access the system manager either. Any other possible fixes?
Are the games you have tried listed in the dreamcast compatibily list? -
@pablo said in Reicast (Dreamcast) Emulator Not Playing !:
I'm having the same issue. Was working before I updated reicast. Tried to uninstall and reinstall. Getting close to the same error as you in runcommand after trying to run system manager. I tried having keyboard plugged in as well as controller connected like you said and still not working for me.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
what(): basic_string::_S_construct null not valid
/opt/retropie/emulators/reicast/bin/ line 76: 1005 Aborted
aoss "$rootdir/emulators/reicast/bin/reicast" $params -config config:image="$ROM" >> /dev/null -
I know this is an old thread, just thought I'd use it instead of creating a new one. I'm having the same issues and need help.
I'm running RetroPie 4.1 on a RaspberryPi 3. When I try to load a Dreamcast Rom it just goes right back to the rom list. They are all compatible games, I've checked the list. I've tried multiple BIOS files. They are in the correct folder on the retropie.
I'm also not seeing the "system manager" selection in the Rom list. Don't know if that has anything to do with it. I've watched many tutorials on how to download or re download Reicast. But all those tutorials were on older versions of RetroPie.
So I'm not sure how to redownload it on 4.1.
Any help would be great. Just need games to play and I can't get past rom menu. -
Looks like with an update to reicast j got it fixed.The roms now play, however most games are moving in fast motion. The game play seems to be on 2X or 3X speed. I'll need to figure this out.
i have same problem, even in retroarch i start reicast it off emu. Tested on pc mint(ubuntu), have any idea ?
@hyell Hi, I am new with retropie/raspberry and I am having trouble with dreamcast too. I did what you wrote above, in addition updated from binary, from source, tried to change the controls several times (always changing the position of buttons), checked the BIOS (they are ok!), roms are in the correct/supported format...but it is not working.. "+Star Reicast" is there in the list of roms, followed by the rom, however when I start it , there is a time/date screen, I move/change the date and time, then I click "select" (green button) and it goes back to roms list. Please, do you have some idea to solve this? can you give me some light? [Raspberry Pi 3 model B Retropie 4.2v.]
I managed to get working via:
To get past the date/time screen, i needed my controller configured in Reicast. -
@herb_fargus downvoted for useless information
@sunwind Reported for necroposting
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