Retro Pie freezes selecting games
Got my Raspberry Pi b3 with Retro Pie 4.0. Had a friend install Retro Pie on the sd card. He said it worked fine on his Raspberry, in mine I select a game and it freezes. 1st time it froze when I selected a game in selection screen, rebooted, reconfigured controller, selected a game then screen went black, F4 didn't even work. Rebooted, reconfigured controller 3rd time selected a game from another emulator and same black screen. Rebooted and when it asked for controller configuration I hit F4 and shut down using sudo halt. Anybody have any ideas???
P.S. I had friend install Retro Pie becuase i'm not very computer savvy so any instructions would have to be as detailed as possible.THANK YOU
@tommyellas 4.0 is a very old release, you should use a current version - 4.4 is the latest. It's hard to diagnose you're problem, since you provided no info about your setup - look over and try to answer the questions there.
What power source are you using ? Is it rated 5V/2.5 A ? -
@tommyellas Doesn't really shed any light into your problem. The message you posted is the runcommand menu selection, which is normal and doesn't indicate any problems.
Hopefully your friend didn't overclock you/give you an insufficient power supply. Honestly you're probably better asking him for help or starting from scratch with the latest version, that way you'll know how to set it up again when it breaks without the help of a friend
@herb_fargus That's what I was thinking.. an overclock that won't run on his pi, since every pi is different. Or using different controllers with a driver enabled that is interfering with the controller he is using.
@TommyEllas What controllers are you and your friend using ?
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