Does this part exist?
@kc038 photo?
@douga I don't thi k the image is showing

@kc038 is it a power lead that connects onto jumper pins like those on the GPIO on the Pi? If so, then you can get male leads to extend it quite easily.
@douga I'm brand new to the world of Pi so I'm not too sure what that means (I'm learning) On the back of the monitor are 2 logic boards, each with x2 2 pin connectors running from the lcd to the boards, it's those cables I would like to extend.
Photo above is the boards still on the back of the lcd, connected top right and bottom right.
I've had a look at GPIO cable and they don't look the same as the ones it my photo? I forgot to mention I'll be connected the monitor to the Pi via hdmi to vga and using the monitors own power supply. I just want to move the electronics away from the lcd so I have space to mount the lcd in a case
Does anyone know the type of connection on the wires in my first photo please?
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