[Guide] Stable Windows 95 on RetroPie!
@hooperre said in [Guide] Stable Windows 95 on RetroPie!:
My understanding was that wine didn’t work on arm7v architecture. Pi Labs and NovaSpirit have released some videos running these games.
It does work, but you'll have to re-compile the kernel with different options (Wine requires a 3G/1G user/kernel memory split to work) and - optionally - run qemu to emulate a PC system on an ARM CPU . Not the easiest or performant solution for a regular user.
@mitu I see. So the fact that buster has a 3G/1G kernal is allowing these videos to pop up. Am I correct? Thanks for the response.
Hello im trying to install win98 following your guide but upon command: copy D:\WIN95*.*
i get a file . not found error
any help?
The syntax of the command is
copy [source] [destination]
If you don't specify a destination, it will assume you want all files copied to the folder you are in now.Since at this step you have just changed directories to the virtual c:\WIN95 folder, this will be the assumed destination. The 'D:\WIN95*.*' is the source and means you want to copy all files from the WIN95 directory on the CD image. If you are installing from a windows 98 CD there wouldn't be a WIN95 folder on it. You will need to adjust the command based on the contents of the CD.
@backstander S3 Inc. Trio 32/64 pci
After dozens of attempts to install win95(tried about twenty win95 images ) under dosbox on my laptop - I finaly did it successfully, without any errors. But after transferring it to raspberyPi, ms explorer.exe errors constantly appears on any of my actions in windows (open My Computer or Control Panel, trying to adjust clock etc.). Help me please. Maybe the image of WIN95.iso is not correct. P.S.Sorry for my english.
Nice to see this is possible on the RetroPie, thanks.
I'll use this knowledge to my advantage and turn my Pi 4 into a retro juggernaut of a PC.
if Windows 95 works then 98se should work also, and if it will have full sound support that would be awesome. Hopefully when Vulkan comes out for Pi4 it'll work with DOSbox eventually. -
Hello i installed windows 95 in dosbox but upon the the first boot it crashes all the time with invallid instructions set errors
any idea what to do?thanks
Is it possible to boot directly into a game, for instance, Full Tilt! Pinball, and have a gamepad configured to key inputs to play the game. And then have some smart way of shutting down the machine from the gamepad?
So that you don't need a keyboard and mouse plugged in?
So I've changed the desktop colors to 16 to get rid of the graphic glitches and black cursor.
But when I change it back to 256 they are back... I'm not sure if I understand this correctly: but can you use Win95 with more than 16 colors this way? 😅Ok it seems that he hasn't installed the S3 drivers correctly. When I rightclick and then "install" on the .ini file nothing happens. When I use the "Add Hardware" function and select the S3 Trio 32/64 PCI he tells me that it was installed. But it's not showing up on the device manager.
I deleted the S3 driver that came with windows and tried to install my own S3 drivers again but nothing happens. :/
I'm using these drivers: https://oemdrivers.com/graphics-s3-trio
PS: I've tried drivers from a few other sources but I couldn't install any of them. :(
the guide is way outdated it does not work correct on raspbian buster or does not work at all,can you update the guide ???
@spiky Are you able to share the result of that step - I don't have a PC available in order to generate the file. The rest I can do on my Mac.
S shavecat referenced this topic on
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