OpenBOR 6xxx OpenBeta Testphase
@cyperghost I'm not sure I understand what part you're referencing.
Does this mean that there is no way to launch directly into the game from es? I have openbor in its own "system" in es_systems, which is directed at a .sh file for each game, which is then pointed towards the .bor folders in my ROMs/ports/openbor directory.
I'm still running the stock version of openbor from retropie, though. I was planning on upgrading to this one tonight. Is every game I pick still going to take me to the launcher? I was just hoping to make openbor play like every other game on retropie, avoiding the launching script.
@construkt yes, you can launch directly from ES menu. Add this to your es_systems.cfg and try it ;)
<system> <name>openbor</name> <fullname>OpenBOR</fullname> <path>/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/openbor</path> <extension>.bor .BOR .Bor .PAK .pak .Pak .PAk .paK .pAk</extension> <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _PORT_ openbor %ROM%</command> <platform>openbor</platform> <theme>openbor</theme> </system>
@julenvitoria I have that set up, although mine is a little different now because I shifted to trying to launch individual scripts to launch the games, so mine is set to find .sh files.
I imagine I need to get the 6xxx version going first. I'll try to do that when I get home. I assume that's what is holding me back at this point.
@BiZzAr721 I uninstalled the version of openbor I had and ran the wget according to the link you gave me, then compiled from source. How can I tell if I have the right version installed? It still takes me to the launcher when I try to open a game, so I'm not sure that anything changed really.
edit: I see in /scriptmodules/ports/ but i also see The file definitely downloaded, but I don't know that it compiled the right version. The name of the openbor I compiled in retropie setup is just openbor. It doesn't say 6xxx or anything like the name in scriptmodules suggests. Also I'm on a pi4 if that matters.
edit2: I figured it out. Only the pi3 versions are in that link. I found the github for 6510 and found the pi4 version and that's compiling now.
@construkt Yes, I consider not having newer compiled OpenBOR is holding you back, but could work like that.
@julenvitoria Good thinking, adding OpenBOR as a system like that would then eliminate the need for scripts then. Come to think of it, I believe this was how @darknior had his setup back when he first added CLI support.
@BiZzAr721 Yeah I got it working with the new version.
Only problem is that now the game opens and its just a tiny window in the bottom left corner of the screen. I keep fiddling with the resolutions but it's still tiny. Not sure what's going on with it.
@julenvitoria I am having this exact problem now as well.
Ah, I fixed it. You just have to go into a game and set the resolution from there. Not in the runcommand.
@construkt Hi!! You can try to run a game, the configuration of that game will be generated automatically, you can change some configuration parameter (for example fullscreen). Then go to /opt/retropie/configs/ports/openbor/Saves and rename the file as default.cfg... when you run any game you will get it in full screen. There are also some games that allow you to save the options as default (for all games), this games generate automatically the default.cfg with this option. One of them is Asterix and Caesar’s Challenge :)
@julenvitoria said in OpenBOR 6xxx OpenBeta Testphase:
One of them is Asterix and Caesar’s Challenge :)
That's my default game for setting up controllers. All the controls are laid out simple. (Some games label buttons as block, throw ect vs just attack 1, attack 2, special)
@construkt glad the resolution was an easy fix. I didn't know Pi4 OpenBOR did that until yesterday.
@BiZzAr721 Yeah luckily I had noticed it a few days ago when I was poking through all the options in games setting controller configs.
The new version of OpenBOR does work better. I like that when I set up a controller in the game and set it as defaults, it doesn't ruin the keyboard controls... and of course I can launch right into games. It's nice actually being able to scrape games too. I couldn't get Skyscraper to work but Skraper works fine with .pak files.
Now I just wonder if there is a way to map controls in such a way that I can set up a kill switch to exit games immediately like you can in emulators with retroarch support.
I ran the command:
wget -O- | tr -d '\r' > /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/scriptmodules/ports/openbor-6xxx-4rpi3.shI see ~/RetroPie-Setup/scriptmodules/ports/ exists, but when I run I don't see this listed in the experimental packages. I'm running RetroPie 4.6 on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Is there something I'm missing to make the script show up?
I also see I have ~/RetroPie-Setup/scriptmodules/ports/, but this also does not show up in the experimental packages.
I've disabled it for x86
rp_module_flags="!mali !x11 !kms"
This version of OpenBOR is made for ARM. If you are on X86 it should be easy to get a version ;)
@cyperghost Easy to get it built into Retropie like this version is?
I'm just wondering because I'm about to switch to an x86 setup. Are there scripts around that I can run the same way I installed 6510?
For newest branch 6510 for RPi 4:
wget -O- | tr -d '\r' > /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/scriptmodules/ports/
For newest branch 6510 for RPi 3/3B+:
wget -O- | tr -d '\r' > /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/scriptmodules/ports/
@construkt Yes it's more easy because the make parameter is just linux.
I don't know if Linux versions use the SDL part - here is the patch located that loads the additional files from command line! Try it out. If you manage to get a running version the rest as easy to setup. -
Hi Everyone
I've installed 6510 on my Pi4 (based on raspbian, not ufficially Retropie)
I've copied one pak file (He-Man) on ports/openbor folder
The emulator close itself and return to selection when i open beats of rage... and module sele....
Best regards -
I've notice that the error is
"failed to add service, already in use?" -
@roslof i ve your error
What do you mean with active directory? -
@construkt you may be aware that the executable is in /opt/retropie/ports/openbor-6xxx, but you may want the active directory to be different so Paks, Saves, Screenshots, etc. can exist in a different location.
For me personally (and it's not standard) I've since moved/symlinked Paks, Saves, Screenshots & Logs directories in /opt/retropie/configs/openbor. Yours might be different.
But for me, with my change, I needed to update /opt/retropie/configs/emulators.cfg (adding pushd and popd) to match my directory location:
openbor-6xxx = "pushd /opt/retropie/configs/openbor; /opt/retropie/ports/openbor-6xxx/OpenBOR %ROM%; popd"
So when you launch a rom from EmulationStation, it will launch OpenBOR correctly, but reference my configs/openbor directory to get the Paks and such...
FWIW (and again, this is not standard) my directory structure that works with my emulators.cfg contents:
/Logs --> /dev/shm (symlinked)
/Paks --> /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/openbor/ (symlinked)
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