undervoltage detected pi3b+
Does it happen also if you don't overclock ?
will check,
thought maybe someone had that thing here before ... -
Hi again. I have a generic powersupply 5v2.5a and a retroflagcase. I have a similar overclock too.I get the undervoltage warning every once in a while, it is more consistent with the microusb being loose on the back.
Also I guess some boards have different sdram, I have an element14.
With those settings
The sdram_freq=550 will crash without
I think the voltage regulation is also a little more involved with the arm_freq and core_freq internal osc.And I might suggest sdram_freq=600 with that same voltage. As I said the voltage regulator is more involved with the internal osc; and the stability with the cpu that uses the memory. With those settings it will run nice.
thanks will give it a try -
just get my pi freeze on the start.
I did no OVERCLOCK at all !!!!
still get the "undervoltage detected" ....
Going crazy for it !
I guess it is the CASE ??
I really hate nespicase flag shit !
Crap :\ -
Oh. I'm sorry. I don't know what went wrong. There was another pi3b+ where 500 was the suggested maximum clock that the sdram could use. They are from different distributors so I guess there is always individual scenarios. I apologize. -
still thanks a lot for the help :) -
I just remembered there was a thing with my over_voltage sdram and the retroflag case and I didn't understand what caused it.When I used any over_voltage_sdram in config it was always ignored.
This could have been a few things, I remember.If you set over_voltage_sdram>2 and then paste this into cmd line what do the voltages read for you?
for id in core sdram_c sdram_i sdram_p ; do echo -e "$id:\t$(vcgencmd measure_volts $id)"; done
I think also you will need to be doing some task emulation or force_turbo enabled for the over_clock to be in effect when that command reads it. -
Just made a small hole to connect the power by itself works perfect
thanks anyway :)
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