EmulationStation for Windows (RetroBat Scripts)
Hello everyone !
I would like to introduce you to our project RetroBat. We released batch and powershell scripts to download, install and configure automatically EmulationStation FCAMOD, RetroArch and Libretro Cores on Windows. We are in cooperation with the dev of EmulationStation of Batocera Linux.
RetroBat Website: https://www.retrobat.ovh
RetroBat Github: https://github.com/kaylh/retrobat
Facebook Group: facebook.com/groups/retrobat- Scripts to download, install and configure automatically EmulationStation FCAMOD, RetroArch and Libretro Cores.
EmulationStation FCAMOD features:
- Multi-language interface (English, French, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and Korean).
- Associate Libretro emulators and cores in EmulationStation for individual game and system.
- More view options for theming interface (grid mode, video, etc.).
- ES show picture during the loading of a rom.
- Play music in the background (put .mp3 and .ogg files in emulationstation.emulationstation\music).
- splash video before starting EmulationStation.
- Video scrap available from ES.
- ES update from the interface menu.
Latest changes in RetroBat v2.0:
- The scripts have been rewritten from scratch for more efficiency.
- The RetroBat setup detects whether EmulationStation, RetroArch, Libretro Cores and 7-Zip are installed and installs them automatically if necessary.
- The RetroBat launcher detects if the installation folder has changed and starts the setup to update the location.
- Installs and updates software separately.
- Installs and updates themes for EmulationStation.
- RetroBat Scripts can be updated from setup.bat.
- Debugging options.
- Addition of launchers for OpenBOR and RPCS3.
- ES system list updated: OpenBOR, MUGEN, PS3, Apple II, Famicom Disk System and SG-1000.
- Addition of the FBNeo core for SG-1000, Master System, Megadrive, PC-Engine and ZX Spectrum.
- Fixed various bugs.
- Activate the splash video in emulationstation.cfg
- Launch splash video before EmulationStation (use emulationstation.exe --video (vlc) instead of ffmpeg core).
- Activate / deactivate JoyToKey in the emulationstation.cfg file.
- Read emulationstation.cfg settings to define the ES resolution in full screen or window.
EmulationStation FCAMOD with Carbon Theme:
EmulationStation FCAMOD with NextFull Theme:
- topic:timeago-later,9 days
I think this is a cool project. I had setup LaunchBox for PC retro gaming earlier this year, and it's great, I like it a lot, but I do kind of like the simplicity of EmulationStation also (which Big Box can kind of do the same thing as EmulationStation as far the interface, but it's just not quite the same).
I downloaded this and threw my RetroPie created roms/gamelists/etc in there to check it out. It was easy to setup, the scripts get everything for you. The EmulationStation modifications are nice, and it runs great from the little I messed around with it (of course, Retroarch backend).
Thanks for posting this.
- topic:timeago-later,23 days
It might be silly for me to ask, but where would you place your splashscreens if you want to keep a folder of them? Is that even possible? Where does the emulationstation.cfg file go?
Thank you for working on this branch of ES. Keep up the great work! :-)
RetroBat v2.1
RetroBat Scripts:
- Scripts to download, install and configure automatically EmulationStation FCAMOD, RetroArch and Libretro Cores on Windows x86 computers.
EmulationStation FCAMOD features:
- Multi-language interface (English, French, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and Korean).
- Associate Libretro emulators and cores in EmulationStation for individual game and system.
- Advanced theming in XML (grid mode, video, etc.).
- EmulationStation show image while loading a game.
- Play music in the background (put .mp3 and .ogg files in emulationstation.emulationstation\music).
- Splash video before starting EmulationStation.
- Video scrap available from ES.
- EmulationStation can be updated from the interface menu.
Latest changes in RetroBat v2.1:
- RetroBat is now compatible with 64 bit AND 32 bit Windows x86 computers.
- Bump RetroArch to 1.8.4.
- Hotkeys are enabled in RetroArch configuration.
- Added compatibility with Kodi.
- Added compatibility with many standalone emulators: m2emulator (Model 2), cemu (Wii U), citra (3DS), Future Pinball, Mednafen (nes, snes, megadrive, pcengine, pcenginecd, playstation), mGBA (Game Boy Advance), Raine (Neo Geo CD), snes9x (Super NES) and Visual Pinball.
- Added compatibility with Theodore libretro core (Thomson computers) and Kronos (Saturn).
- Added compatibility with Megadrive Steam Uncompressed ROMS with .68K and .SGD extensions.
- Added launchers for Visual Pinball and Future Pinball to make them portable (by Fabrice Caruso).
- Added runcommand.exe module instead of batch scripts to launch emulators from RetroBat config menu in EmulationStation. Emulators command parameters can be modified in runcommand.ini. Runcommand.exe can read m3u files to launch Wii U and PS3 games.
- Complete overhaul of Carbon theme (by Fabrice Caruso).
- Some bugs fixes.
Download here: https://www.retrobat.ovh/dl_en.html
Hello, thank for your interest for the RetroBat project :)
If you want to enable splashscreen before ES run, you need to put your mp4 files in
Then, enable video splash in
Edit the string
Like this
The name of the file to be played need to match the name of the file you write (without spaces)
Et voilà :) (you can also go to see RetroBat's wiki on my github : https://github.com/kaylh/RetroBat/wiki/Enable-video-splash)
I did get my .mp3 files to play inside the music folder. I am happy that .mp4s work as well. I could have sworn that one of the read me files said that you could also place these inside a video folder so that they will play randomly like the .mp3s. If this isn't the case, hopefully that option will be included in a future build. I have to say that these new options (grid view, video view, basic view) have been implemented nicely. The presentation of the themes looks more vibrant too :-).
Contributions to the project are always appreciated, so if you would like to support us with a donation you can do so here.
Hosting provided by Mythic-Beasts. See the Hosting Information page for more information.