My Realistic Arcade Overlays for Retroarch Collection
Paperboy arcade cabinet looks very cool! I didn't know they had a BMX handlebar.
- topic:timeago-later,14 days
@sugarfree Thank you! Yes and the handlebars work really well in the Arcade. It makes it a joy to play Paperboy. Something that is sorely lacking in the home versions.
Hey, just a heads up to everyone in the community, I’ve made several of my Nintendo related videos private on my YouTube channel. So if you’re wondering why you can’t find certain Nintendo bezels on my channel, that’s the reason why. As some of you may know, Nintendo has been going after Nintendo emulation videos, mostly Switch for now. So, there you have it.
@Orionsangel Thanks for the heads up. The big N is really being a thorn lately.
@Orionsangel how so i get the updated bezel pack, they look nice
@Retrodade The link in the description of the pack 6 showcase video.
@Orionsangel ok thanks
- topic:timeago-later,26 days
- topic:timeago-later,7 days
- topic:timeago-later,2 months
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