RPG maker games in Emulation Station
This is edited from my last post, trying to follow the rules this time O.o
Pi Model: 0
RetroPie Version Used: 3.8.1
Built From: SD Image
USB Devices connected: keyboard, controller, wifi adapter
Controller used: custom built, registers as "keyboard"
Emulator: EasyRPGSo I've been playing around with the idea of putting EasyRPG player into retropie. It's not been going well so far.
It makes it look possible though I can't figure out how to get it to work. I have easyrpg.exe installed but don't know how to install it onto retropie, as all if the emulator files are .sh. Has anyone done this? I wanted to play some rpg maker games on my raspberry pi zero, such as Pokemon Insurgence.
EasyRPG is in Zerojay's RetroPie-Extra repo. I had it working but something went wrong with my SD card and I started a new SD card and it does not want to work now.
When it worked, I just copied the directory of the game files into the RetroPie/ports/easyrpgplayer/games folder.
I didn't have the RTP files when it was working, but the installation file says to copy the RTP into the RetroPie/ports/easyrpg/data folder. I would guess that it would have to be the files and directories as I don't think .exe files work on the Pi.
Trying to troubleshoot it. Seeing if I can install the dependencies and then reinstall it.
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