I lose all audio when using hotkey commands
Pi Model or other hardware: Rpi4 Model B
Power Supply used: Vilros 5.1V 3A Power Supply w/ on/off switch
RetroPie Version Used: 4.6
Built From: Raspberry Pi Imager
USB Devices connected: None
Controller used: 8BitDo Sn30+ Pro
Error messages received: None
Guide used: https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/9133/quick-and-easy-guide-for-adding-music-to-emulatonstation-on-retropie-noob-friendly
Emulator: All
Attachment of config files: uhmm...?
How to replicate the problem: Using any hotkey commands (save states, fast forward, etc) I lose all system audio. This happens sporadically but normally within a few attempts. Going back to the ES home screen I have no sound, trying other emulators/games I have no sound. The only way to get sound again is by restarting the entire system.I dont believe I had this problem before I added background music to ES. I did that by using the guide stated above.
I am plugged into an 4k TV via a microHDMI-HDMI cable, I am using the Argon 1 case with the Argon One software installed.
If I am missing any helpful information, I would be happy to provide whatever may be needed. I am a bit new to getting in depth with Raspberrypi/Retropie so each step is a journey.
@Counterfeit1993 said in I lose all audio when using hotkey commands:
I am plugged into an 4k TV via a microHDMI-HDMI cable, I am using the Argon 1 case with the Argon One software installed.
Are you using the native resolution (4k) in RetroPie ?
No, I am outputting at 1080p. Which was a pain. Whenever I try to change the resolution in raspi-config it just backs me out, so I had to set the resolution via terminal /boot/config.txt.
It appears that it is not reliant on me using the hotkey to trigger audio loss. I was playing MGS today using the RPi and lost audio after about 20 minutes. Not indication for why.
@mitu No, I am outputting at 1080p. Which was a pain. Whenever I try to change the resolution in raspi-config it just backs me out, so I had to set the resolution via terminal /boot/config.txt.
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