sdltrs: display of typed characters lags keyboard, sometimes permanently by one character
@n2185x said in sdltrs: display of typed characters lags keyboard, sometimes permanently by one character:
@mitu Are you able to see the behavior of hatari that I'm seeing?
I haven't tested hatari.
Also, what hardware are you using with this? It could easily be that this is limited to the Raspberry Pi 4.
It's a PI4 (4Gb), should similar to your setup.
@mitu Which ROM are you using for sdltrs, and what's its md5sum?
If I had some inkling as to how sdltrs functions and makes use of SDL, and spent enough time familiarizing myself with how to build SDL applications, I might be able to write something that can reproduce the issue. But without any of that, and most certainly without any indication as to what could possibly be behind the problem, I can't come up with anything useful as far as a simple test program goes.
@mitu I tried the same thing on a different Pi 4, and got the same results.
I'm astonished that the problem doesn't reproduce for you. I don't know how fast you type (I type about 100 words/minute), but I'm able to easily reproduce the issue at will. I can reproduce it by typing a single word followed by a space. The space will often be what puts it into its "delay display by one character" behavior. Once that happens, characters that I type don't show up until I type another character. Sometimes it "recovers" itself but I haven't found the conditions under which that happens, but even after it "recovers" it will easily go back to the errant behavior.
@mitu Oh, by the way, if you'd like I'll download a stock Pi4 RetroPie image, update everything to current, then install sdltrs using, and see if it reproduces immediately. You should try the same if you're willing.
@n2185x said in sdltrs: display of typed characters lags keyboard, sometimes permanently by one character:
@mitu Which ROM are you using for sdltrs, and what's its md5sum?
I'm usig a level2.rom for BIOS and booting a NewDos disk image.
md5sum /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/trs-80/NEWDOS_jv1.DSK 6f624bdbf4b410cfbe8603fa3bef44fa /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/trs-80/NEWDOS_jv1.DSK
@mitu What's the md5 checksum of your level 2 BIOS?
@mitu Ah, that's why you can't reproduce the issue! Newdos blinks the cursor.
You need to reboot your TRS-80 Model 1 without a disk. Then you should be able to reproduce the problem. The built-in level 2 BASIC doesn't blink the cursor.
Yes, without the disc, there seems to be some character 'swallowing' and queueing going on.
@mitu Ah, excellent. So I'm not crazy after all. :-)
OK, given that this is reproducible at will, what's the next step here?
I guess we'll try to find the bug in the emulator. On Windows it doesn't seem to suffer from this issue and it doesn't seem to be a SDL2 input problem.
@mitu My suspicion is that it's either a platform-specific display bug (do you already have a Raspberry Pi 3 set up? If so, what happens there?), or a platform-specific timer bug.
As I mentioned, I've seen something very similar to this with the hatari emulator (not lr-hatari, however), with respect to its configuration GUI, wherein the state of the displayed dialog box seems to lag behind by one action (e.g., you click on a checkbox and it doesn't seem to change state until you hit an arrow key or something that would cause it to change the display, or you hit a button and the corresponding sub-dialog doesn't come up until you hit an arrow key or something that would cause it to change the display). This is what makes me conclude that the issue isn't in the emulator itself, but rather is in SDL2 on the Pi 4 at least.
I've enabled input debugging in the emulator and I can see all the keys presses as registered without any issue, it's the emulator that doesn't seem to react to them. Since the input works fine if a disk image is loaded - or with a Model3/4 - I don't think it is a SDL2 issue.
@mitu The input works "fine" if the cursor is blinking (see below). Try it with Model 1 emulation and TRSDOS version 2.3. That version does not blink the cursor and the end result is the same problem.
The issue has nothing to do with whether or not there's a disk image involved. It has everything to do with a blinking cursor, i.e. continuously changing output to the screen. This is why I believe we're up against an SDL issue -- because the same phenomenon is visible in multiple emulators that link against SDL2.
A note about it working "fine": in reality it's not really "fine" as such. There are delays in display of things to the screen that shouldn't be there at all. For instance, in Model 3 emulation (the md5 checksum of level3.rom is ecd0a5a83fca19ea860fe565fad4b061), in BASIC, it will often delay halfway in the display of "READY", e.g. it will display "REA", then delay a little, then display "DY". This isn't completely consistent but the overall behavior and feel of the emulator is such that it's apparent that there are internal delays that simply shouldn't be there, and probably aren't in the same emulator on other platforms.
I think it may be worth testing this on a Pi 3 to see just how much of a platform dependency there seems to be.
@mitu It's possible that this isn't an SDL2 issue, but whatever it is, it has the following characteristics:
- It is common across multiple emulators (hatari and sdltrs, at a minimum)
- It is absent from the same emulator in libretro form (lr-hatari)
That means that whatever it is, it exists in code that is common between two completely different emulators and is simultaneously absent from a different variant of one of the emulators. The only thing I know of that is present in both hatari and sdltrs and is simultaneously absent from lr-hatari is SDL2. Maybe there are other relevant things that qualify, but I don't know what they'd be.
@mitu I downloaded the Pi 3 version of RetroPie and put it onto a Pi 3 B+. I then performed a full update of it, then installed sdltrs via (from binaries), then copied over all of the .rom files in the BIOS directory from my Pi 4 as well as the entirety of the trs-80 subdirectory of the "roms" directory. In short, everything on the Pi 3 is identical to how it is on the Pi 4.
The issue does not reproduce on the Pi 3, which means this is almost certainly an SDL2 issue or graphics driver issue (or something else that is specific to the Pi 4). And seeing how plenty of other emulators work just fine, I'm skeptical to the point of disbelief that it's a graphics driver issue.
My test was a bit simpler (haven't got to test on a Pi3) - I started the emulator from a desktop session and the issue is gone. The difference between the 2 cases is the different input and video driver - when starting from the desktop, it uses X11 input and video, without it relies on the KMS/DRM video and input drivers.
It's a bit difficult to pin it down to an particular (or obvious) SDL2 issue, since other emulators don't exhibit the same behavior when using the same video/input drivers (i.e.
for C64,openmsx
for MSX,scummvm
, etc.)EDIT: a similar issue/behavior was reported for 'draStic', the Nintendo DS emulator, but we couldn't find a proper solution since it's a closed source application. At least for
the source is available, so it's a starting point in trying to find the root cause of this behavior. -
@mitu I wouldn't know where to begin with respect to tracking this down, as I have no familiarity with any of the code involved here. But I am happy to help however I can, and would really like to see this tracked down and fixed.
as the current maintainer of
I've experienced nearly the same issue withWayland
. Please try the attached patch and test if this fixes it also on the Pi4 ...diff --git a/src/trs_sdl_interface.c b/src/trs_sdl_interface.c index b0dbfe4..a2c8734 100644 --- a/src/trs_sdl_interface.c +++ b/src/trs_sdl_interface.c @@ -1508,6 +1508,7 @@ void trs_sdl_flush(void) } SDL_UpdateTexture(texture, NULL, screen->pixels, screen->pitch); + SDL_RenderClear(render); SDL_RenderCopy(render, texture, NULL, NULL); SDL_RenderPresent(render); @@ -1716,9 +1717,7 @@ void trs_get_event(int wait) break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT: if (event.window.event & SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED) { - SDL_RenderClear(render); - SDL_RenderCopy(render, texture, NULL, NULL); - SDL_RenderPresent(render); + drawnRectCount = MAX_RECTS; } if (event.window.event & SDL_WINDOWEVENT_EXPOSED) { SDL_FlushEvent(SDL_KEYDOWN);
@JenGun thanks for stopping by !
The patch does fix the issue.
My temporary workaround that I found was to force
to redraw, by ignoring thedrawnRectCount
check (which seems to work also, but obviously not correct) and my next step was to investigate why the check fails - in some cases - with KMSDRM. -
@mitu I'll give that patch a shot as well.
I do have one question about such things in general: what's the best way to pull down the source, compile it, and put the resulting binary into play? For atari800, I simply hit ctrl-c while it was in the middle of compiling during an "install from source" operation within, then moved the directory and was from that point able to make my changes, compile them up, and manually install the resulting binary over the one on the system.
But that seems a bit excessive. My hope is that you have some well-defined method for doing these things that isn't quite as involved.
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