Freeze background with display mode change
I'm building up a little arcade platform based on RetroPie system. I need to run ES with the default resolution of the display (for me 1600x1200 60Hz) but for certain emulators (like arcade ones) i would like to drop to a lower res (640x480 60Hz). I did it using the to and to switch resolutions. It works but I have an issue; when i exit from a game and come back to ES i see the display with a freezed frame in transparency (the screen when i started the game) blended with the not-freezed real ES screen (responding to my inputs).
I don't know if this is an issue of ES or other component of the system (video driver or others) but if i exit ES the display come back normally (no ghost frame in background).What can i do?
I'm running RetroPie system from an Ubuntu X64 machine, not a retropie/raspberry setup.
You can switch resolution using the
launch menu, without extra scripts - any reason you're not using it ?Post the scripts you're using and your system setup, as detailed in
@mitu Thanks for your answer!
I can't try now but i will do the video mode switch using directly runcommand....why i didn't do? simply because i didn't know :D
I'll try as soon as possible and then report here the results.
I've started working with start-end scripts because i will drive a self-builded led sequencer for my cabinet with customized light animation for each game/platform, so i write#!/bin/bash xrandr --output DVI-I-0 --mode 640x480 --rate 60.00 #!/bin/bash xrandr --output DVI-I-0 --mode 1280x1024 --rate 60.00 Sorry for not be compliant with the forum format, now i'm not on the Ubuntu system and i don't remember the RetroPie version. I will update later.
Thanks again
Here is my configuration:
-Retropie: 4.15.14 x86
-Ubuntu: 18.04.4By the way, i've delete my onend/onstart scripts and used runcommand options to set the video mode but i have the same problem; when i exit back to emulationstation i have the same problem...
On exit i could see that runcommand tried to switch back to original resolution but prompts
"xrandr: could not find mode n/a"Using runcommand i won't my original resolution but it keeps 640x480 (infact xrandr fails to switch back); using my script instead the resolution is correct but in both cases the display freezes/shutters.
You haven't mentioned anything about your hardware - what kind/model of GPU do you have ? What's your display (TV/Monitor) ?
Retropie: 4.15.14 x86
That's the Linux kernel version, the RetroPie version is shown when you run the RetroPie-Setup script - can you take a look to see which version you're running ?
Can you run
xrandr --verbose
and post the output on ? There's might be an issue with runcommand's video mode switching. -
4.15.14 x86 is the version i get from retropie_setup script.
That's my linux kernel version (uname -r):
5.4.0-53-generic #59~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 21 12:14:56 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
GPU model: GeForce 8800GT
CPU model: Intel Q6600That's the xrandr --verbose output for my LCD display:'s the xrandr --verbose output for the CRT display: the problem is present in both display.
@misterxyz83 said in Freeze background with display mode change:
4.15.14 x86 is the version i get from retropie_setup script.
You should update your RetroPie-Setup script - there have been some changes to X11 mode switching since that version, though I don't think it would solve your particular use case.
Can you Alt+Tab after returning back from the emulator and see if the ES window switches in focus ? The issue might be a focus lost problem - the ES starting terminal stays in front, instead of being in the background, under the ES fullscreen window.
Ok, i've tried what you suggested...i think you're right because the popup of ALT-TAB doesn't glitches; the problem is only on ES window.
Runcommand isn't be able to switch back to default resolution, by the way i can solve with on-end/on-start scripts or updating.
What i can do to solve? Thanks for the support
If the issue is cause by the lost focus, then you might try another window manager/DE.
I've just installed LXDE and try again but nothing changes. I don't know if it helps but if i power off the display and/or detach from VGA it doesn't work; only thing is to close ES. I still think it is an ES issue...i don't know.
I will do other tests.
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