Solved: NES30 Working in ES only (4.0 beta) and not working in START+R in 3.6
I'm not new to RetroPie but am new to using the 8BitDo controls.So my header sums it up nicely.
In 3.8.1-4.0.* beta my NES30 only works in ES and no matter what I cannot get it to work in retroarch.
It displays correctly when turned on and off in bottom left corner and says NES30 JoyPad in port # 0 but never usable.So I have followed all of FLOOB's videos and tried to use the same firmware (cannot get 3.4 ISO) but only works on ES...
I have created etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules and added correct info.
Also added, changed the controller config (cant remember location offhand /all/controllers [not verbatim]) and changed the values to match what my controller has:
Below came from github for correct control and firmware but my ABXY START SELECT dont match below, so I have changed to match which again had no luck...
(start select are 10/11 and AB is 1/0 - something like that).Has anyone else had this much trouble? Controller works great over USB and connects fine to macbook (yes, details cleared out of control -- hold select).
Firmware is 2.67 but I downgraded to 2.5 for now.If anyone has some advice that would be great!
I will be trying again tonight but some pointers would be great...
Also modified the stock one that is created/and tried using what is system generated.# - Firmware v2.67 (2016-03-21). input_driver = "udev" input_device = "8Bitdo NES30 GamePad Joystick" input_device_display_name = "8Bitdo NES30 BT(START+R)" input_b_btn = "12" input_y_btn = "15" input_select_btn = "21" input_start_btn = "22" input_a_btn = "11" input_x_btn = "14" input_l_btn = "17" input_r_btn = "18" input_b_btn_label = "B" input_y_btn_label = "Y" input_select_btn_label = "Select" input_start_btn_label = "Start" input_a_btn_label = "A" input_x_btn_label = "X" input_l_btn_label = "L" input_r_btn_label = "R" # Bluetooth Mode(START+R) D-pad = PC Joystick. input_up_axis = "-1" input_down_axis = "+1" input_left_axis = "-0" input_right_axis = "+0" input_up_axis_label = "D-Pad Up" input_down_axis_label = "D-Pad Down" input_left_axis_label = "D-Pad Left" input_right_axis_label = "D-Pad Right"
I dont have a NES30, but try the following:
Delete the controller file(s) in
Using firmware 2.67 should be fine here
Revet the change to etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules
Turn controller on with Start+R
Use the Bluetooth menu (making sure the hack option is turned on)
Register the controller, and use the menu to add the udev rule
Essentially it should follow this mostly:
I'm assuming you havent tried installing PS3 drivers or edited any other files, this data may also help: you think you've changed quite a few settings, could be worth starting with a clean image.
If it doesnt work, post the controller file on
I am using a new fresh image - I did for both 3.8.1 (then updated to 4.0.*) and also same for 3.6
Also no PS3 controller installed (fresh image). I did try it originally with sixad installed then removed, wouldnt scan so I went with fresh build.First thing i did was as you mentioned - add BT device via retropie script then udev button in script.
Nothing more and test > only works in ES.
Once that failed I moved onto next steps like changing config files etc. Always one change at a time.
Also did try udev to sdl.I will try again this evening
Fresh install 3.8.1
Updated retropie script
Start+R on controller (2.67)
Scan for BT
Added UDEV rule (in script)
Mapping hack = ONAll worked!
Thank you Floob.
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