Stuck on welcome screen - Coolbaby RS-11 emulator handheld
Hi there,
I bought a Coolbaby RS-11 a few months back and have been pretty happy with what games it could play for such a low price. Unfortunately yesterday it became stuck on the welcome screen and my attempts to fix this have down nothing. I have:
Reset the device using the pinhole at the side
Let the battery run till empty and tried again
*Taken SD card out and reset
each time it pauses at the same part of the welcome screen. Does anybody have solutions on how to fix this or is it simply a cheap electronic inevitably breaking?
Not sure how it relates to RetroPie ? It doesn't seem to be running RetroPie - maybe you should ask the seller/vendor first ?
@mitu Yea tbh I'm not sure what it uses, I just thought I would take a chance incase anyone knew.
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