Emulationstation links
Pi Model: 4b
Power Supply used: LabistsModel XSD-
RetroPie Version Used : 4.8
Built From: Pre made SD Image on RetroPie website
USB Devices connected: keyboard, trackball, spinner and pinout board
Controller used: pinout momentary contact buttons , spinner, trackball & joystick
Guide used: Followed instructions from Retropie site
Emulator: Emulation station, Mame2003I'm using an add-in (PieMarquee2) to utilize a second monitor as a marquee.
Works good with the exception of any roms that I have specific game rom .cfg files
eg arkanoid.zip.cfg in hose cases it won't display the game marquee. It blips and then displays the general system marquee.
I notice in the gamelist.xml each game as this entry:<game>
<name>Arkanoid (World)</name>
</game>I tried changing the line:
even tried entering 2 lines:
<path>./arkanoid.zip</path>no luck.
the only entries in these .zi.cfg files are 2 lines to get my spinner to work::lyu
input_player1_mouse_index = “0”
config_save_on_exit = falseAny ideas as to why it's not displaying my marquee when these files are present?
@bob1961 said in Emulationstation links:
Any ideas as to why it's not displaying my marquee when these files are present?
element should always point to the game file, not the.cfg
. The.cfg
is used byruncommand
to pass additional parameters to the emulator (retroarch
), not by EmulationStation.Do you have a marquee for the game itself ? Looking at the
fragment you posted, the game is missing a marquee element, so maybe the add-in (PieMarquee2) doesn't have anything to show. -
@mitu yes there is a marquee for those games.
all the other games have the same listing, I just cut / pasted the one.
All the other games work fine it's only the games where I've created those game specific .zip.cfg files -
@bob1961 The issue is with the PieMarquee2 script or how this script is executed by EmulationStation. Can you run
and look in the logs to see how the add-on scripts are run ?
Post thegamelist.xml
and the EmulationStation debug log on pastebin.com so we can take a look. -
@mitu here are the file /links
https://pastebin.com/yZyGZk4X -
@bob1961 I don't see a
entry for the games in thegamelist.xml
file - but maybe PieMarquee2 doesn't rely on it being present in the gamelist.The EmulationStation log doesn't show any usage of the scripting API, so my guess is that the PieMarquee2 doesn't use it ? The scripting API support for calling scripts when selecting game were added in EmulationStation v2.11, while you're still running v2.10, so my guess is that the PieMarquee2 script doesn't rely on EmulationStation. I think you need to ask the PieMarquee2 author about this issue, it doesn't look like it's related to EmulationStation.
EDIT: is the marquee supposed to be displayed on the 2nd screen when you select a game or when you start it ? It's not clear now how this works and I assumed is the former.
@mitu yes that's correct. second screen. N
ot able to get a hold of the author.Original code is here
https://github.com/rinalim/PieMarquee2in the end I'm just looking how to enable a second screen as a marquee
@bob1961 Maybe the author will take a look at your issue, seems it uses its own mechanism to display the marquee and not relying on either EmulationStation or the
launch scripts. -
@mitu like i said. no response from author.
The code is on that link I sent.
Based on original here:
https://github.com/rinalim/PieMarquee2guess I couldn't convince you to take a look? ;)
Do yo know of any other ways to get a marquee?
I tried CRT Blast but I couldn't rotate -
@mitu like i said. no response from author.
I've looked at the repository's issues, maybe you need to wait a bit more.
guess I couldn't convince you to take a look? ;)
I did, but
is not my forte and I didn't fully understand what's the principle of operation of the script. -
PieMarquee2 doesn’t utilize the gamelist.xml files nor the runcommand_onstart.sh/onend.sh scripts.Instead, if you’ve installed it per his Github instructions, the python script is always running.
When you launch a game, it tries to find a same-named *.png file as your rom filename.
If not found, it next tries to find a *.png file named exactly as the system you are using (ex: nes, snes, atari2600, arcade, etc).
If still not found, it defaults and uses a global *.png file instead.
The three locations are:
rom filename png: /home/pi/PieMarquee2/marquee/SYSTEMNAME/romfilename.png
for galaga.zip in /roms/arcade folder - /home/pi/PieMarquee2/marquee/arcade/galaga.png
for mario.zip in /roms/nes folder - /home/pi/PieMarquee2/marquee/nes/mario.pngsystem filename png: /home/pi/PieMarquee2/system/SYSTEMNAME.png
for games using the nes system - /home/pi/PieMarquee2/marquee/system/nes.png
for games using the atari2600 system - /home/pi/PieMarquee2/marquee/system/atari2600.pngdefault png: /home/pi/PieMarquee2/marquee/system/maintitle.png
When you launch a game that ends up only having the default and/or the system png marquee, look at the /dev/shm run command log to see what the passed rom filename is.
Then make sure you have a corresponding *.png file named the exact same in the proper PieMarquee2 folder.
For example your arkanoid.zip. You didn’t specify which rom folder but here’s some examples for it.
/home/pi/PieMarquee2/marquee/mame-libretro/arkanoid.zipHope that helps some.
all the .png files are in the correct folders and all work.
If i remove the .zip.cfg file for those games, then the game marquee will display.
It's the presence of that .zip.cfg that is messing something up.
The game plays correctly so I know it's reading the instructions in those files.
Just won't display the game marquee :(Here is that file for Space Invaders (which has no .zip.cfg fle and displays marqee)
Executing: /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-mame2003/mame2003_libretro.so --config /opt/retropie/configs/arcade/retroarch.cfg "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/arcade/invaders.zip" --appendconfig /dev/shm/retroarch.cfgHere is that file for Arkanoid (which has a .zip.cfg fle and does not display marqee)
Executing: /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-mame2003/mame2003_libretro.so --config /opt/retropie/configs/arcade/retroarch.cfg "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/arcade/arkanoid.zip" --appendconfig /dev/shm/retroarch.cfg'|'"/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/arcade/arkanoid.zip.cfg" -
here is the pieMArquee2.py file#!/usr/bin/python3 import os from subprocess import * from time import * import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET INTRO = "/home/pi/PieMarquee2/intro.mp4" ## for DPI screen #VIEWER = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/PieMarquee2/omxiv-marquee /tmp/marquee.txt -f -b -d 4 -t 5 -T blend --duration 900 > /dev/null 2>&1 &" ## for Pi4 hdmi1 VIEWER = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/PieMarquee2/omxiv-marquee /tmp/marquee.txt -f -b -d 7 -t 5 -T blend --duration 900 > /dev/null 2>&1 &" arcade = ['arcade', 'fba', 'mame-advmame', 'mame-libretro', 'mame-mame4all'] def run_cmd(cmd): # runs whatever in the cmd variable p = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE) output = p.communicate()[0] return output.decode() def kill_proc(name): ps_grep = run_cmd("ps -aux | grep " + name + "| grep -v 'grep'") if len(ps_grep) > 1: os.system("killall " + name) def is_running(pname): ps_grep = run_cmd("ps -ef | grep " + pname + " | grep -v grep") if len(ps_grep) > 1: return True else: return False def get_publisher(romname): filename = romname+".zip" publisher = "" for item in root: if filename in item.findtext('path'): publisher = item.findtext('publisher') break if publisher == "": return "" words = publisher.split() return words[0].lower() if os.path.isfile(INTRO) == True: ## for DPI screen #run_cmd("omxplayer --display 4 " + INTRO) ## for Pi4 hdmi1 run_cmd("omxplayer --display 7 " + INTRO) doc = ET.parse("/opt/retropie/configs/all/PieMarquee2/gamelist_short.xml") root = doc.getroot() if os.path.isfile("/home/pi/PieMarquee2/marquee/system/maintitle.mp4") == True: ## for DPI screen #os.system("omxplayer --loop --no-osd --display 4 /home/pi/PieMarquee2/marquee/system/maintitle.mp4 &") ## for Pi4 hdmi1 os.system("omxplayer --loop --no-osd --display 7 /home/pi/PieMarquee2/marquee/system/maintitle.mp4 &") else: os.system("echo '/home/pi/PieMarquee2/marquee/system/maintitle.png' > /tmp/marquee.txt") os.system(VIEWER) cur_imgname = "system/maintitle" while True: sleep_interval = 1 ingame = "" romname = "" sysname = "" pubpath = "" instpath = "" imgpath = "" ps_grep = run_cmd("ps -aux | grep emulators | grep -v 'grep'") if len(ps_grep) > 1: # Ingame ingame="*" words = ps_grep.split() if 'advmame' in ps_grep: sysname = "arcade" romname = words[-1] else: pid = words[1] if os.path.isfile("/proc/"+pid+"/cmdline") == False: continue path = run_cmd("strings -n 1 /proc/"+pid+"/cmdline | grep roms") path = path.replace('/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/','') if len(path.replace('"','').split("/")) < 2: continue sysname = path.replace('"','').split("/")[0] if sysname in arcade: sysname = "arcade" romname = path.replace('"','').split("/")[-1].rsplit('.', 1)[0] elif len(run_cmd("ps -aux | grep 'layer 10010' | grep -v 'grep'")) > 1 : # Video screensaver (OMXplayer) ps_grep = run_cmd("ps -aux | grep 'layer 10010' | grep -v 'grep'") if len(ps_grep) > 1 : words = ps_grep.split() pid = words[1] if os.path.isfile("/proc/"+pid+"/cmdline") == False: continue path = run_cmd("strings -n 1 /proc/"+pid+"/cmdline | grep mp4") if len(path.replace('"','').split("/")) < 2: continue sysname = path.replace('"','').split("/")[-3] if sysname in arcade: sysname = "arcade" romname = path.replace('"','').split("/")[-1].rsplit('.', 1)[0] sleep_interval = 0.5 elif os.path.isfile("/tmp/PieMarquee.log") == True: # Extended ES f = open('/tmp/PieMarquee.log', 'r') line = f.readline() f.close() words = line.split() if len(words) > 1 and words[0] == "Game:": # In the gamelist-> Game: /home/pi/.../*.zip path = line.replace('Game: ','') path = path.replace('/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/','') sysname = path.replace('"','').split("/")[0] if sysname in arcade: sysname = "arcade" romname = path.replace('"','').split("/")[-1].rsplit('.', 1)[0] sleep_interval = 0.1 # for quick view elif len(words) == 1: sysname = "system" if words[0] == "SystemView": romname = "maintitle" else: romname = words[0] else: sysname = "system" romname = "maintitle" if os.path.isfile("/home/pi/PieMarquee2/marquee/" + sysname + "/" + romname + ".png") == True: imgname = sysname + "/" + romname if ingame == "*": publisher = get_publisher(romname) if os.path.isfile("/home/pi/PieMarquee2/marquee/publisher/" + publisher + ".png") == True: pubpath = "/home/pi/PieMarquee2/marquee/publisher/" + publisher + ".png" if os.path.isfile("/home/pi/PieMarquee2/marquee/instruction/" + romname + ".png") == True: instpath = "/home/pi/PieMarquee2/marquee/instruction/" + romname + ".png" elif os.path.isfile("/home/pi/PieMarquee2/marquee/system/" + sysname + ".png") == True: imgname = "system/" + sysname else: imgname = "system/maintitle" if imgname+ingame != cur_imgname: # change marquee images ps_grep = run_cmd("ps -aux | grep 'maintitle.mp4' | grep -v 'grep'") if len(ps_grep) > 1 : words = ps_grep.split() pid = words[1] os.system("ps -aux | grep maintitle.mp4 | awk '{print $2}'| xargs kill -9") ##kill_proc("omxplayer.bin") if imgname == "system/maintitle" and os.path.isfile("/home/pi/PieMarquee2/marquee/system/maintitle.mp4") == True: ## for DPI screen #os.system("omxplayer --loop --no-osd --display 4 /home/pi/PieMarquee2/marquee/system/maintitle.mp4 &") ## for Pi4 hdmi1 kill_proc("omxiv-marquee") os.system("omxplayer --loop --no-osd --display 7 /home/pi/PieMarquee2/marquee/system/maintitle.mp4 &") cur_imgname = imgname+ingame else: ''' f = open("/tmp/marquee.txt", "w") if pubpath != "": f.write(pubpath+"\n") f.write("/home/pi/PieMarquee2/marquee/" + imgname + ".png") if instpath != "": f.write("\n"+instpath) f.close() ''' if os.path.isfile("/home/pi/PieMarquee2/marquee/custom/" + romname + ".txt") == True and ingame == "*": os.system("cp /home/pi/PieMarquee2/marquee/custom/" + romname + ".txt /tmp/marquee.txt") else: imgpath = "/home/pi/PieMarquee2/marquee/" + imgname + ".png" if ingame == "*": if pubpath != "": imgpath = pubpath+"\n"+imgpath if instpath != "": imgpath = imgpath+"\n"+instpath os.system('echo "' + imgpath + '" > /tmp/marquee.txt') sleep(0.2) if is_running("omxiv-marquee") == False: # if omxiv failed, execute again os.system("clear > /dev/tty1") os.system('echo "' + imgpath + '" > /tmp/marquee.txt') os.system(VIEWER) cur_imgname = imgname+ingame sleep(sleep_interval)
@bob1961 Hmm.....strange.
I wonder what the passed rom filename that the PieMarquee2 script is trying to match on then?
I have it setup on my Pi 4 also so I'll make a cfg file for arkanoid and do some testing and see if it breaks for me too.
yes let me know.
I use the .cfg files to switch my trackball to a spinner. only 2 lines in those filesinput_player1_mouse_index = "0"
config_save_on_exit = false -
@bob1961 The code is not readable due to formatting. Please use markdown and three backticks ``` above and below any logs/code snippets posted directly to the forum.
i have edited your post.
@bob1961 ~~
As a workaround, have you tried renaming your Marqueefiles for those games to ###.cfg.png ?Another workaround (just from a brief scann of the script) is maybe something like:Edit: Code removed, as it would not have worked... Same reason why my idea above wouldn't work also :/ From my understanding now/so far the author derieves the romname by striping just the rightmost extension from the filename (see below)... so, maybe name.extension.png could work for the cfg cases(?) (ie. arkanoid.zip.png (or arkanoid.7z.png)), that is assuming that the script captured arkanoid.zip.cfg as the filename.
romname = path.replace('"','').split("/")[-1].rsplit('.', 1)[0]
Without further knowledge of the script and in hopes that it may not break other things, replacing the rsplit with just a split could eventually work (before "name.ex1.ex2.ex3" would become "name.ex1.ex2", with a split instead it would become "name"... maybe to test it (before replacing all occurences of aboves .rsplit('.',1) with a .split('.')), you could add a
romname = romname.split(".")[0]
above that line:
if os.path.isfile("/home/pi/PieMarquee2/marquee/" + sysname + "/" + romname + ".png") == True:
be sure to align the inserted line with the if clause (keep the intention level (4 spaces) for the code block). ... Maybe it's worth a try...
And if that is working and it is in some cases needed to keep filenames with further dots in it, the script could be modified with something like replacing the romname = path.replace*** with romname = get_romname(path) and then defining the function get_romname to strip any existing .cfg from the name before the "final" split is made... -
@Ashpool just to let everyone know, the author posted a revised file on that github site to fix this.
Nevertheless, appreciate everyone's attempts to help me with this. Cheers!
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