Transferring Retropie & filesystem from micro sd 512gb to micro sd 1024gb
Hi, I've duplicated like sized cards before, but when I try to go from 512g to 1024g it doesn't work. I get the following error when booting Retropie 'Kernel panic - not syncing : no working init found'. Do I have to go about this a different way like using a program like GnuWin32? Maybe format the destination micro sd card in Ext2/3 and then go to a Linux shell program to do a 'dd copy'? I don't know Linux very well - any help would be appreciated - Thank You!
How did you duplicate the card ? Using Win32Imager to backup the existing card and writing the new card with the backup image should work.
Are you sure the new 1Tb card has the correct capacity and it's now a fake card ? There was a recent forum post from an user which had a similar issue and their card was probably fake. -
@mitu Thanks for the info! I've successfully used Win32Imager to backup a 128gb to a 128gb card but it took about 7 hours. Because of this I bought a stand alone disk imager. I tried to copy the 512gb card to a 1024g card with that, and that's when I got the error listed above. If using Win32Imager to copy the 512gb card to the 1024gb card will work I'll do it that way even if it takes along time. One more question. Will the copied 1024gb card be limited by the 512gb cards partition size, or will the extra 512gb be available for me to use? Thank You!
@tslayer71 said in Transferring Retropie & filesystem from micro sd 512gb to micro sd 1024gb:
Will the copied 1024gb card be limited by the 512gb cards partition size, or will the extra 512gb be available for me to use? Thank You!
The extra space will be available after you resize the filesystem, which you can do from
after you boot the system on the larger card. -
@mitu Thanks Mitu! I'll get the card duplicated and give it a shot. I'll let you know...
@mitu Is the command to resize the file system 'sudo raspi-config nonint do_expand_rootfs'? Thank You!
@tslayer71 I'm not sure about the command line command, but you can just run
sudo raspi-config
and go into the advanced menus and run the re-size. -
This post is deleted! -
@mitu Ya, I think your way is the better option. Just started imaging my 512g card. I have a 256g card I duplicated from 128. I used raspi-config to expand the filesystem. Retropie is pretty freaking cool. Thanks!
@tslayer71 So I tried using Win32Imager a bunch of times with freshly formatted cards and it didn't work. Always got the error listed above. I even bought micro sd duplication software and it didn't work resulting in a different error when booting raspberry pi. I ended up duplicating my 512g card and then deleting roms from different emulators to free up drive space. If anyone figures this out please let us know - Thanks!
@tslayer71 What's the brand of your 1TB sd card?
It is very possible that it is a fake one and the true size is smaller...Test the card for its true size, using one of the methods listed here:
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